Mandagsklubben is a Norwegian satirical comedy program. The program is led by Anne Rimmen, with Else Kåss Furuseth and Dag Sørås as regular panelists. In addition, two guests appear in each show....
Selma, a 9 year old girl who lost her parents in an accident, is now living with Ruth, a quite strict neighbour who was just supposed to temporarily look after Selma and her dog Casper....
The taskmaster has invited five of Norway's best comedians to solve a number of tasks....
Brille is a humor-based quiz show where some of Norways best known comedians get to work on seemingly impossible tasks and questions. The answers are often as unexpected and funny as the panel's train of thought....
An American family fulfills their dream of moving back to their roots after inheriting a remote cabin in the mountains of Norway. But there's a surprise waiting for them....
Rough guy Kalle comes back to his home town after a trip to the United States. He is loaded with cash with only one thing on his mind: getting Trine, the prettiest girl in town - but her new fiancé is in his way....
Elias, a young rescue boat, signs on to a mission to find the Royal Ship. During the mission Elias has to prove his bravery....
When a couple badass guys are going to break into a bank, they quickly realize the terrible mistake it was to involve "Premium Idiot" Klaus as part of the group....