Aziraphale, an angel, and Crowley, a demon, join forces in order to prevent Armageddon. They attempt to raise the Antichrist in a balanced and human way, but are they focusing their efforts in the right direction?...
Burnistoun is a comedy sketch show broadcast by BBC Scotland, written by the Scottish comedians Iain Connell and Robert Florence. The show is produced by The Comedy Unit. Burnistoun is set in a fictional Scottish town/city in the greater Glasgow area. Characters include Kelly McGlade; Burnistoun's answer to Beyoncé; Paul and Walter, the disturbingly odd brothers that run an ice cream van; Jolly Boy John, who tells the things that make him "For Real" to the accompaniment of a happy hardcore soun...
Mockumentary comedy series following the life of scottish police officers from different areas of the force in a fly on the wall style....
A misogynistic masked killer prepares for the routine slaying of Anna, his 27th victim, in the comfort of his own home. As Anna struggles to break out of the role the killer has chosen for her, the dead women in the walls and floors play a last desperate card....