Boris is an Italian television series created by Luca Manzi and Carlo Mazzotta, initially produced from 2007 to 2010, with a revival season premiered in 2022. The show brings to the stage the behind the scenes of a television set where a troupe is shooting Gli occhi del cuore 2 (The eyes of the heart 2), a satirical portrait of the many fictions airing on the Italian TV networks....
Interesting modern actualization made by Italian broadcasting service (RAI) of immortal, well-known characters created by the genial American novelist Rex Stout....
R.I.S. Roma – Delitti imperfetti is an Italian television series.The episodes starts from 18 of March 2010 on Canale 5....
During World War II, 22-year-old Carabinieri deputy brigadier Salvo D'Acquisto makes an heroic gesture of self-sacrifice by "confessing" an act of sabotage for which 22 civilians had been rounded up by the Germans, and is executed by firing squad in their place on September 23, 1943....
An intellectual encounters a youth group that seeks social change....
A director and his crew attempt to make the transition from the small to the big screen....
Mirko and Genziano are two 35-year-old brothers who have not seen each other since their mother died in a freak accident in which they were involved—eighteen years ago. Since then, Genziano left to live in the UK and now is a stockbroker; Mirko instead remained in Rome, to stay with their father Marcello, working at the same run-down family shop. When Marcello dies, he leaves a task for the two brothers in his will: he asks them to take, on an old restored roadster, his ashes to the grave of his...
19-year-old Teo, an aspiring writer who has grown up worshipping the likes of John Fante, Bukowski and Luciano Bianciardi, suddenly finds himself in dire need of becoming financially independent in the wake of his father's health problems, jeopardizing his studies and future....
A young Austrian soldier in World War I fights his way through the Alps to rescue his Italian girlfriend and escape the impending explosion that will rock the mountain....
It's 1348. The plague has brutally hit Florence. A group of then young people, seven women and three men, rebel against the feeling of death that is about to swallow them. They flee the city and find refuge in an abandoned villa in the Tuscan hills. Here, between moral doubts and the tasks needed to survive, they kill time by telling each other stories until they will decide to return. The stories are varied - tragic, bizarre, funny or erotic - but common and central to all of them is the female...
A train travels across Italy toward Rome. On board is a professor who daydreams a conversation with a love that never was, a family of Albanian refugees who switch trains and steal a ticket, three brash Scottish soccer fans en route to a match, and a complaining widow traveling to a memorial service for her late husband who's accompanied by a community-service volunteer who's assisting her. Interactions among these Europeans turn on class and nationalism, courtesy and rudeness, and opportunities...
Sid grew up with his mother Arabella in a cheerful and somewhat naïve Apulian community, which was filled with affection and a great passion for cinema. After years away he returns to the land of his childhood where his mother had created a cinematic arena and this trip in his childhood memories will lead to a better understanding of her human and existential aspects....
The title translates literally as "Faceboom." An omnibus film helmed by seven top-tiered Italian directors, this comedy explores the worldwide Facebook craze of the early 21st century by recounting the adventures of numerous Europeans whose lives are altered by that social networking site....
Nicola, paralyzed after a car crash, falls in love for his physiotherapist Lucia. Franco and Manuela, a young couple unfit to have children, fly to Barcelona for a specialized treatment for fertility. Filippo and Fosco, two gay men, decide to marry. Ernesto, waiter in a chic restaurant, has a liaison with Cecilia, the new Spanish help....
Four intertwined stories on the joys and sorrows of love....
Gaia lives her life in joy. She is a teenager, she loves her father, manager of an important firm, she has a boyfriend and she is among the best in her classroom. But one night two policemen arrest her father. He is accused of bribe....
Leone is a rich and powerful man whose loneliness drives him to hire a cast of actors to play the family he never had. On Christmas Eve, reality and make-believe start to get blurred....
Two young people, love and a wild and wonderful island populated only by deaf people. Paolo is a musician and he is totally in love with Claudia, a girl he has never actually met but with whom he texts a lot. In order to meet her, he will leave for the island where she lives and he will stand up for her and their love....
Reckless and in love, Viviana and Modesto are bound by an uncontrollable passion. Their secret relationship ends up in front of an incredulous therapist, who'll anyway help them understanding their feelings and dealing with their desire to follow the true love....