The story revolves around the love that begins with hatred between Gülcemal, whom his mother abandoned and turned into a dark monster when he was young, and the beautiful Dev, who becomes engulfed in a whirlwind of fire, passion, and storm. In Gülcemal's battle with his mother, will an unexpected love or the years of hatred he has harbored prevail? Will Gülcemal, on this road full of sacrifices, turn from being a cruel hunter to prey out in the open? And what about Deva? When she finally surrend...
Ferhat is a hitman working for his criminal uncle. Aslı is a young and idealistic doctor. One day, their roads crossed in the most unexpected way: Aslı is forced to operate on a man that Ferhat had shot....
The people of northern side of Turkey, struggles the greedy imperialist force to not to give-in the land they grow up with some interior entanglement.. In their stubborn way......
A nurse escapes from her surgeon fiancé after his ex reveals his dark secrets. She later finds love again, but a car accident changes everything....
Bahar and Efsun grow up as sisters even though they don't share the same blood. Their parents work under a rich man named Mehmet Emin. Later, he finds out that Efsun is his long-lost daughter. At least, that's what the parents of the girls tell him....
Ömer, a young man returning from military service, is set up by his friends and fiancé and ends up in prison for ten years. He fakes his own death and manages to escape. He re-creates himself as ‘Ezel’, a high-end gambler who is outwardly a successful man, but inwardly driven by one thing - his determination to understand why the people he loved betrayed him, and take his revenge....
Miran is seeking revenge for his parents death so he plans to marry daughter Reyyan from the family who were responsible for that. Unexpectedly he falls in love with Reyyan. Will this change the plan?...
Salih and Gürkan, two cousins from Ankara, are struggling musicians that are trying to make a living by performing at private events such as bachelorette parties. Nihat, a low profile event manager, finds a gig for the duo which leads them to encounter with unexpected guests in their "dressing room"....
In a small village, young Mert is about to get traditionally circumcised, but the family does not have the money to follow up with the circumcision celebration. The family wants to be able to serve lamb meat to the guests at the celebration. Mert’s older sister scares him that if they cannot afford a lamb the father will slaughter him instead....
A biopic focusing on to the childhood and the early years of the military career of the founder and the first President of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk....
Gurkan and Salih tries to get out of the mafia which they were accidentally participated in first movie. But this time they have to deal with even funnier situations....
Pirated DVD seller Zafer who is formerly an extra in movies, swore to give up illegal works when his wife wanted to get divorce. To win his family back, he and his old-fashioned crew decided to make a movie called "Summit - The End Of Evil" which is a fantastic science fiction movie and couldn't be shot since 1977. A funny, entertaining and emotional journey awaits him who waded into this adventure with his unqualified crew....
The son of a Muslim emperor, Mahmut rejects his father's values and advocates a humanitarian approach to running the empire he will inherit. For him, there are more important things than power over others - namely the love he cherishes for Meryem, the daughter of a Christian monk. Rejecting the path chosen for him, Mahmut embarks on a dangerous journey looking for his love Meryem. It is this journey through a land in turmoil which will change both Mahmut and Meryem....
Veteran homicide cop Fermanand his hot-headed partner İdris team up with rookie cop and anthropology major Hasan to investigate the murder of a young woman. The suspects include her conservative family, who might have killed her for honor, her drug-dealing boyfriend and aged billionaire Battal who had taken the victim as his second wife....
Cemal comes to Istanbul from a small Kurdish town after finishing high-school to pursue higher education. He feels isolated and out of place in the crowded city and soon meets a group Kurdish students who are against the repressive Turkish political system....