19-2 is a riveting French-language Canadian drama series set in Montreal. The show follows two police officers, seasoned veteran Nick Barron and rural newcomer Ben Chartier, as they navigate the challenges of working in the 19th precinct. Despite their contrasting approaches to policing, the duo forms a strong partnership while facing dangerous criminals, corruption within the force, and their personal struggles. As the series unfolds, it delves into the emotional and psychological impact of the...
École Marie-Labrecque is a one-of-a-kind institution: The 60 girls who study at the school are all between the ages of 12 and 17, and they're all pregnant or new mothers. The school's mission is twofold: to give them an education and to prepare them for motherhood. It's It's a huge challenge and they have only a few months to get ready....
Psychological crime series following the investigations of interrogation experts Julie Beauchemin and Maxime Moreli....
At the heart of Victor Lessard is a troubled cop and an addictive, unpredictable mystery. The murders are strange and unsettling, the work of a deeply disturbed mind. And as Victor goes deeper into the mystery, untangling the clues, trying desperately (and in vain) to stop more murders from occurring, his own behaviour becomes more erratic....
The daily lives of the personnel of the St-Vincent hospital in Montréal....
A dangerous virus appears in a group of homeless people, causing a risk of outbreak. How long will it take Anne-Marie Leclerc, director of the Emergency Public Health Laboratory, to realize that an actual epidemic is starting to take shape?...
Mathieu is a brilliant neurosurgeon whose perfect life is falling apart. Impending divorce, job loss, substance abuse, and a mid-life crisis are all factors that can cause him to go off the rails. In addition, the sudden death of his father forces him to return home to Anishiinabe territory, a place he has tried to avoid since his youth. Nevertheless, Mathieu agrees to go and deposit his father's ashes in the heart of their ancestral territory and wishes to find himself at the same time. The bre...
Noémie (15 years old) has lived in a youth center for three years. When she loses all hope of being taken back by her mother, Noémie runs away in search of meaning and freedom. She goes to join her friend Léa, a former member of the center, who introduces her to a gang of delinquents. Soon, she meets Zach there who quickly offers her to be an escort for a weekend. Recalcitrant at first, Noémie says yes....
Gabrielle is a young woman with Williams syndrome who has a contagious joie de vivre and an exceptional musical gift. Since she met her boyfriend Martin, at the recreation centre where they are choir members, they have been inseparable. However, because they are "different," their loved ones are fearful of their relationship. As the choir prepare for an important music festival, Gabrielle does everything she can to gain her independence. As determined as she is, Gabrielle must still confront oth...
After the death of her unfaithful husband, Gisele, a social worker of 52 years, falls madly in love with Yannick, one of her former customers and kleptomaniac addict. She tries to repress her feelings, but the attraction she has for this 19 year old boy is beyond comprehension. Her sister, her boss and two children will each turn, disrupt her secret meetings with her young lover....
When circumstances conspire to leave Louise, an established Quebec painter, and Ahmed, an aspiring Lebanese-Canadian actor, sharing a remote lake house, the tension rarely abates. Understandably, Louise resents her solitude being trespassed on, particularly by someone whose backstory is hardly airtight....
Wanda, 12 years old, shares her vision of the past days in the interrogatory room...
A young man feels compelled to travel with his grand-father. The young man wants to find his father who ran away with the corpse of his ex-wife....