La que se avecina is a Spanish television comedy created by Alberto Caballero, Laura Caballero and Daniel Deorador. The TV-series focusing around the inhabitants of Mirador de Montepinar, a fictional building located on the outskirts of a big city. Both its storylines and cast are heavily based on Aquí no hay quien viva, which ended when Telecinco bought Miramón Mendi, the series production company. The episodes debuted on the Telecinco network, and were later rerun by the same network as well ...
In a small town in Cantabria, a young auxiliary police officer finds the body of an elderly lady who has recently passed away. The mystery lies in the fact that it is the body of Juliana Cobián, who had passed away seven years ago. Who was buried in her place, then? When Juliana’s coffin is exhumed, another woman’s body is found inside: it is Soledad’s, Juliana’s daughter that, according to all the neighbours, had left the town twenty years before. What lies behind this second death?...
Diego de la Vega returns to California to avenge his father's murder. After assuming the title of Zorro, he confronts the Governor, the malevolent leader of the Chinese community and a secret society, placing the common good above all....
In an inaccessible place between the mountains and isolated from the world, a school is located next to an old monastery. The students are rebellious and problematic young people who live under the strict and severe discipline imposed by the center to reintegrate them into society. The surrounding forest is home to ancient legends, threats that are still valid and that will immerse them in terrifying adventures....
A girl. A boy. A love story. But also about dreams, fears, life, true love, friendship and how we deal with it. And a secret between them......
A successful, attractive, intelligent and brilliant advertising executive is longing to finally find emotional stability in his life, and decides to propose to his girlfriend. After she refuses his proposal, his life takes a turn when a new young lady enters his life....
A young priest coaches a team of uncoordinated monks in order to win a soccer tournament and save their monastery from being turned into a hotel....
Lis is a teenager whose dream is to become a circus artist and leave her hometown, even if she knows that to do it she’ll have to fight her side against her parents. It’s summer and she spends her days playing with her friends and flirting with her boyfriend, a few years older than herself. The lack of privacy and the neighbours’ gossip force Lis to keep their relationship secret so that her parents won’t find out. A relationship which change her live forever....
After his father's death, Eric Zimmerman travels to Spain to oversee his company's branches. In Madrid, he falls for Judith and engage in an intense, erotic relationship full of exploration. However, Eric fears his secret may end their affair....