Ultraman Cosmos is a Japanese tokusatsu TV show being the 17th show in the Ultra Series. Produced by Tsuburaya Productions, Ultraman Cosmos aired from July 7, 2001 to September 28, 2002, with a total of 65 episodes, which currently makes it the longest running Ultra Show to date. Ultraman Cosmos was also the 35th anniversary for the Ultraman series In June 2002, Cosmos was taken off of television for several weeks when lead actor Taiyou Sugiura was questioned in an assault and extortion case. W...
Broadcast TV drama NHK broadcast on January 4 to December 13, 1987 (Showa 62). In the questionnaire survey conducted by NHK, it is shining in the most favorite river drama. The original is Yamaka Sosaichi's novel "Date Masamune", the biggest drama on the theme of the Date house was the first time in 17 years since the "Shinnogi remained" (1970), which painted Datejo in the Edo period. It depicts the life of Matsudo Date of Sengoku warrior · Date Masamune who built the foundation of Sendai clan ...
Inspired by American TV movies like "Hitchcock Theater" and "The Twilight Zone," the show features multiple works with Tamori as the storyteller and actors as the main characters. While horror and supernatural themes are predominant, a variety of genres like comedy and drama are also produced. Most episodes, however, have a bad ending....
On her 18th birthday, Nami witnesses the brutal murder of her parents by a man with a burn on his hand. She is then falsely accused of the crime and sent to jail. Sworn to vengeance, Nami battles corrupt officials and cruel inmates to escape prison, only to search through the underbelly of Japanese society to find the man with a burn on his hand, ‘stinging’ anyone in her way....
A group of young people are attacked by a tragedy from a video that a young man borrowed from a rental video shop. The horrific scenes from the video become a reality for the young man and his friends. The elite staff of director Shunji Iwai have gathered to create an entirely new psycho-horror movie that is finally born here....
Legend holds that 30 years ago, a suburban town was terrorized by the spirit of a woman whose horrid face had been grotesquely disfigured. Roaming the streets wearing a long coat and carrying large scissors, the spirit would approach her young victims and, while removing the mask, ask if she was pretty. The victim’s response would almost always lead to their violent death....
Once again, Musashi has encounter Ultraman Cosmos. Now Ultraman Cosmos has gained some new modes to defeat Scropis. Musashi has joined Team Sea to save the Blue Area. But there is mysterious evil monster, Sandros, who wants to destroy the Earth. Now it is up Musashi and Ultraman Cosmos to defeat Sandros and who’s the other Ultraman?...
Yota is a total loser with girls, one day after the love of his life, Moremi, confesses her love to his best friend, he comes across a video store. He finds a video and plays it on his broken VCR, bringing Ai Amano to life. She tries to help him win Moemi's heart, but falls in love with him instead....
A touching drama about human life and love A 24-hour probation has been given to a man who should have died!...
A small group of men stigmatized for killing the gang leader tries to survive the group and take revenge on the man who killed them, while being involved in the conflict between the two major powers of Kanto and Kansai. The second movie of the live action adaptation series....
Based on the novel by Oniroku Dan....
Yumi, a woman smelling with decadent beauty, went to the bar which she had her first date with her husband Kota. She met a famous photographer Kenny in the bar. Kenny was addicted to the abnormal beauty of Yumi. He then took Yumi to his studio, and not only took photos with Yumi, but also took her body. Kenny thought Yumi was only one of the numerous women that he had one-night-stands with. However, Yumi believed that Kenny was her only man except her husband. In order to stay with Kenny all the...
4th Entry in a Four-Part-Series, following the success of the original XX-series with 7 parts: In this one Yoko is an undercover cop infiltrating the chinese mafia...
Kaori, who can find nothing in her daily life but sex with her male friend Taro, suddenly meets a middle-aged man named Kosuke. She hopes that Kosuke will quench her thirst, but is disappointed to learn that he has a woman named Naomi. Upon learning of Kaori's feelings for him, Taro......
The story takes place in an unnamed Japanese city, and follows five students at Shinyo Academy as they try to piece together the puzzle of a new drug and recent disappearances among the student populace. While the teachers believe them to only be runaways, the female students whisper among themselves about the urban legend Boogiepop, who is said to be a Shinigami....
An anthology series based on stories collected throughout Japan, mainly by writers Hirokatsu Kihara and Ichiro Nakayama....
The Second Organized Violence film....
The first Organized Violence film....
Sato's re-imagining of In a Grove, on which Rashomon was based. In this version, instead of a web of lies and agendas, we get a web of desires, perversions like incest, and occult phenomenon like an oracle-demon, hallucinations, and human sacrifice. Once again, the story starts with a detective trying to unravel the story of a man and a woman encountering a bandit-rapist in the woods, but the real story keeps turning out to be unfathomable as layer upon layer of strange motives and events keep t...
"A wave of recession hits the Kirigaoka Central Shopping Street in a certain town. One by one, the shops succumb to Angel A's pressure. Finally, the second generation of shopkeepers in the Kirigaoka Central Shopping Arcade, all of whom are strong ex-biker gang members, stand up! In order to protect the local shopping arcade, their ‘community development’ campaign has begun."...
Tatsu's life seemed to be smooth sailing, as he was blessed by his friends, married Fujieda, and made peace with the yakuza. However, the days when the yakuza were free to run amok were coming to an end. Tatsu was sent to prison for a dispute over a bottle of hiropon, and during his two years in prison, his former gang mates became Inayama-gumi disciples.... I can't stand under the wind of others! Tatsu mutters in anger......
When he returns to Earth to attend the wedding of his friend in Saipan, Musashi meets a beautiful girl named Shau who claims to come from the bottom of the sea. Just then, Monster Scorpis reappears in the sky above the island and Musashi faces the monster in order to protect the girl. What is the girl's true form? And what is the strange shadowy form that follows the monster Scorpis?...
Based on a manga by Masahide Motohashi....
片や会社の社長でデザイナー、片やスポーツマンでモデルという道を歩む生まれも育ちも異なる2人の高校生の友情を描く。 One is a designer and company president, the other an athlete and model. Although on different paths in life and from different backgrounds, in high school these two were once good friends. This movie tells the story of their friendship....
It's a story about a girl who becomes a student at Eitoku Gakuen, the institute for very rich people. She is faced with four of the most powerful and rich guys at school who call themselves F4....
What happens when young people meet amidst the warmth, soft breezes and gentle waves of Okinawa? This is a romantic love story about a young college student on break from Tokyo who meets a handsome dive employee on the beach. --groink...
Sonoko is a married woman who gets to know a naive young woman, Mitsuko. Sonoko becomes enchanted with Mitsuko, and they begin a forbidden affair. The relationship comes to include Sonoko's husband, and the three begin a new life together... The affair features the nude actresses in daring lesbian love scenes. Film adaptation of Junichiro Tanizaki's literary masterpiece, "Manji."...
Adapted from a manga and anime of the same name....
Third part in the yakuza series....
Japanese anthology follows the depressing lives of several people just trying to keep going in a nihilistic world. Movie version of Kosuke Suzuki‘s previous SOV movie by the same title....
#14 in the series, after "City of Desire."...
A snack bar opens in the Kirigaoka central shopping street, which has begun to co-exist with the major supermarket Angel A. The owner is Akemi, a childhood friend of the ‘second generation’. The owner is Akemi, a childhood friend of the ‘Nidaime’. The Nidaime were excited, but in fact she was a pawn of Angel A. And those who are after the Kirigaoka Central Shopping Arcade are once again plotting against them in an unexpected and despicable way......
An alternate version of Ultraman Cosmos 2: The Blue Planet, which was created due to the arrest of the film's star, Taiyo Sugiura. New scenes were filmed that are primarily set in the past. Musashi Haruno, now a middle school student, continues to pursue his dream to become an astronaut, which is also a promise he made with Cosmos. However, he is on the verge of despair because space development gets canceled due to a rocket accident. A mysterious girl named Shau appears in front of Musashi. She...