Ultraman Cosmos is a Japanese tokusatsu TV show being the 17th show in the Ultra Series. Produced by Tsuburaya Productions, Ultraman Cosmos aired from July 7, 2001 to September 28, 2002, with a total of 65 episodes, which currently makes it the longest running Ultra Show to date. Ultraman Cosmos was also the 35th anniversary for the Ultraman series In June 2002, Cosmos was taken off of television for several weeks when lead actor Taiyou Sugiura was questioned in an assault and extortion case. W...
Seemingly too cute for many, this will be a comedy for all ages and types. Follow this unique family and its spherical cat, in a warm-hearted comedy for the winter!...
Nanami Takahashi is a high school student entering her first year. Immediately on her first day however, she becomes the victim of a practical joke by the school's most popular guy, Motoharu Yano, who coincidentally also ends up in her class. While the two get off to a rocky start, they soon find themselves falling in love with one another and begin dating. But their relationship is marred by Yano's past which includes the death of Yano's previous girlfriend, Nana Yamamoto, and the betrayal surr...
The Makai fight a secret war against the demon forces known as Horrors, evil creatures that manifest themselves through darkness to devour Humanity. On the frontlines are the Makai Knights, given the task of watching over a district and eliminating any Horrors that manifest there. GARO follows the tales of the Knights bearing the title of ‘Golden Knight Garo’, and their duty to vanquish the Horrors and protect Humanity from the darkness....
As the power of the Tokugawa Shogunate becomes firm, Hattori Hanzo struggles against Sarutobi Sasuke and Sanada Yukimura. At the same time, Sasuke and Yukimura are plotting a new trick with the Satsuma clan .......
Once again, Musashi has encounter Ultraman Cosmos. Now Ultraman Cosmos has gained some new modes to defeat Scropis. Musashi has joined Team Sea to save the Blue Area. But there is mysterious evil monster, Sandros, who wants to destroy the Earth. Now it is up Musashi and Ultraman Cosmos to defeat Sandros and who’s the other Ultraman?...
The third film in the 'Drift' series....
Toyotomi Hideyori's married granddaughter, Princess Sen, is targeted by someone. Hattori Hanzo, who receives the news, challenges the blocking of conspiracy to recover Senhime....
Hayato, a freelance photographer, heads to the vacation home of Nishimoto, a friend from his college days, with his friends and his beloved Emi, whom he meets again after a long time. It was supposed to be a fulfilling vacation. The next day, the group visits an abandoned house near the villa. A place he has been irresistibly drawn to for some time and has visited many times. Hayato clicks the shutter as if possessed by something. What was waiting for them there... Was it reality or illusion? Is...
When he returns to Earth to attend the wedding of his friend in Saipan, Musashi meets a beautiful girl named Shau who claims to come from the bottom of the sea. Just then, Monster Scorpis reappears in the sky above the island and Musashi faces the monster in order to protect the girl. What is the girl's true form? And what is the strange shadowy form that follows the monster Scorpis?...
Shippuu (Hayate) appeared suddenly dead. However, he fell into the hands of Sarutobi for due to his loss of memory....
Not a lot of people know that one of the most talented and ruthless Mahjong players in the city is a young high school boy. Kei is a teenager of few words, but his observation skills, unwavering will and experience in the game allows him to survive in a world full of powerful, rich and dangerous characters....
Desperate to leave their humble origins behind, farmhands Tatsunori (Yuma Ishigaki), Ken (Suzunosuke) and Yonesuke (Ohkuchi Kengo) assume the identities of Samurai warriors in order to help protect a village from the daily raids of local bandits. But the three soon find themselves out on a limb when real Samurai Jojima (Ichinose Hidekazu) returns from the war and confronts them....
Fewer samurai films are being made, and the Uzumasa studio has fallen on hard times. One day, veteran "kirareyaku" (whose job it is to be felled with a sword by a film's star) actor Kamiyama is tasked with teaching sword action techniques to fledgling actress Satsuki. A few years later, the now-retired Kamiyama is visited by Satsuki, who has become a popular star....
While alone in a nightclub, straight-laced Lui meets sensitive but troubled punk kid Ama. Mesmerized by his split tongue, she becomes obsessed with body modification and soon wants the same treatment. After Ama's heavily-tattooed friend Shiba pierces her tongue, Lui finds herself inexorably drawn to both men – and to her growing list of desires, she now adds a tattoo....
An alternate version of Ultraman Cosmos 2: The Blue Planet, which was created due to the arrest of the film's star, Taiyo Sugiura. New scenes were filmed that are primarily set in the past. Musashi Haruno, now a middle school student, continues to pursue his dream to become an astronaut, which is also a promise he made with Cosmos. However, he is on the verge of despair because space development gets canceled due to a rocket accident. A mysterious girl named Shau appears in front of Musashi. She...