Para Volver a Amar is a Televisa telenovela that aired on the Canal de las Estrellas channel in Mexico from July 12, 2010 to January 30, 2011. It stars Rebecca Jones, Rene Strickler, Alejandro Camacho, Alejandra Barros, and Africa Zavala. The Mexican version however is taken from the original Colombian soap opera series "El Último Matrimonio Feliz". The story is about six women who befriend each other and help each other deal with the pains of life, particularly in regards to marriage and relati...
El Noveno Mandamiento is a Mexican soap opera produced by Lucero Suárez in 2001. As of June 24th, 2013, Unimas is broadcasting 2 hour episodes of this soap opera....
Rebeca murders her sister Adriana to end up with the man she loved, and becomes the step mother of her niece Lucía. Nora, Lucía's half sister and daughter of Rebeca, resents Lucía for the same reasons Rebeca hated Adriana, as history repeats itself....
Inspired by classical songs, This Story Sounds to Me Vol. 2 is an broadcast in which music tells life stories, because everyone has a memorable song that "sounds like it." This Story Sounds to Me Vol. 2 consists of 23 episodes and, as in its first season, it takes place with the lead singer María José....
A young girl recounts her girlhood and eventual marriage to a general of the Mexican revolution. by one of the most outstanding writers of the new feminist Mexican literature, it is at once a haunting novel of one woman's life and a powerful account of post-revolutionary Mexico from a female perspective....