Follows the love of a Greek girl and an Albanian boy and the reactions around their relationship in a "typical" Greek village...
The premise of the series revolves around the daily lives of different couples of all ages from 20 to 65, but who are not connected to each other. Each couple has their own space where they live, while the story of each couple in each episode is not connected to the stories of the other couples....
A young wood-curving artist (Nicol Pomanou) is returning to her hometown for the memorial of her father's death.Her youngest sister is missing.A few kilometers away, a police detective (Despina Loukidi) is investigating the murder of a woman. The eyes of the body are missing....
Four modern women. Four inseparable girlfriends. Four separate men. Four "difficult" relationships. A challenge for love, friendship, relationships and infidelity that will prove dangerous and bold. Four girlfriends lost over the years, Androniki (Penelope Anastasopoulou), Voula (Thomais Androutsou), Veronica (Niki Granah) and Lydia (Katerina Misichronis), will meet after years on the occasion of her impending marriage. Everyone, for their own reasons, wants to test their relationship. So they ...
The last dance will bring the heroes confronted with the truth and the fear of forcing them to make important decisions. Hope will be reborn by finding all the company united… Series based on the best-selling novel by Lena Mantas....
Director’s statement: “Electra is in her early 30s, living in Athens today. She is an artist, but she makes a living working as a babysitter. She is an activist and her boyfriend is a political prisoner. She feels lonely and is struggling to find her place in the world. We follow her as she meets the most important people in her life. Through these meetings, we understand better not only Electra, but also a whole generation of young people who feel stifled in this world. Capitalism, consumerism,...
High society women of a small Greek town try everything to have sex with the first male they can find....
The story of a talented yet self-destructive soccer player in Greece. Based on the novel of the same name by Menis Koumandareas, the film narrates the life and works of Vassilis Seretis, a young, unknown, poor, but talented and ambitious football player, who dreams of conquering the pitches. The hero is willing to give everything and suffer whatever it takes in order to conquer the football world. With his talent as his only weapon, he tries to define his destiny, on a route from Thessaloniki, ...
A muck raker journalist tries to trap the Education Minister, why is rumored to be gay, but he perceived as gay. Dismissed from his job, but becomes the idol of all sexually oppressed. Forced to represent the gay, he decides to establish "alternative" party with the former minister, who represents his lover for electioneering purposes....
A young drifter working on a river barge disrupts his employers' lives while hiding the fact that he knows more about a dead woman found in the river than he admits....
When one fine morning a peaceful neighborhoods disrupted by the unexpected disappearance of a Latvian manicurist, Iocasti Papadamou joins forces with ingenious, albeit completely naive, neighbor in order to shed light on the bizarre case....