Anthology crime series penned by some of the foremost contemporary Italian noir writers (Camilleri, Faletti, De Cataldo, Carofiglio, Lucarelli, Fois...)...
Carabinieri is an Italian television series that aired on Canale 5 from March 2002 to July 30, 2008. The series is an action thriller with added elements of comedy, and has been compared to the soap opera format. It told the story of the police barracks located in Città della Pieve....
Army colonel Gabriele Moresco and twelve of his soldiers occupy a hospital in Sicily, Italy, taking every patient and doctor as hostages and giving an ultimatum to the government: if they won't admit their role in hiding proof of the use of depleted uranium in the Balkan Wars and the subsequent countless cases of cancer among Italian soldiers in 56 hours, all the hostages will be killed. Negotiator Paolo Manfredi is called to save the hostages, not knowing that his wife and daughter are among th...
Alex, a young man who does dialysis treatment, struggles not to allow his health condition to take over his life....
In the Roman province a group of boys accepted Sola's proposal: to rape two German tourists on holiday in Italy held captive in a shack by a junkyard. The only one who pulls back from the group is Raniero, the others willingly accept to follow him. Slowly the news of the two imprisoned tourists spread like wildfire and attracts all the men of the area....
A former policeman turns full-time robber and goes on a downward spiral of crime in 1970s Rome....