Jo Han-sun (조한선) is a South Korean actor.
Law of the Jungle is a hybrid reality show combining elements of drama and documentary. The show is hosted by comedian Kim Byung Man, and each episode invites various celebrities from the various field. So far, many of idol stars and famous actors have appeared on the show. The show introduces viewers to exotic locations around the world where celebrities must work together in order to complete missions and survive. The cast celebrities travel to less habituated, natural places to survive on the...
Ji-Sook goes through a difficult period, due to her father's private loan. She begins living as Eun-Ha. Eun-Ha is from a wealthy family and looks like Ji-Sook. When Min-Woo was only seven years old, he became the successor of a large corporation which his family ran. Due to his position, he cannot reveal his feelings. Through his family, he meets Eun-Ha. He notices she is different from other wealthy woman that he has met. Min-Woo has feelings for her....
A story about a woman and her two adult daughters. Older sister Oh Hyun-soo is a pet products designer, while younger sister Oh Eun-soo gets remarried after a failed marriage....
April Kiss, also called Kiss of April, is a South Korean TV drama that aired from April 21, 2004 to July 8, 2004 on KBS....
Family Outing Season 1 was a South Korean variety show; a part of SBS's Good Sunday lineup, along with Gold Miss is Coming. It was first aired on June 15, 2008, and was one of the top rated programs on Sunday Korean television. In each episode, the "Family" travels to different parts of South Korea and takes care of the house of an elderly family while that family goes on a vacation. The "Family" then accomplishes the tasks left for them by the house's owners. The first season ended on February ...
Nonstop is a South Korean slice-of-life sitcom that broadcast its first season in 2000 on MBC. It continued with 5 more seasons. The series was popular for its cast of teen idols, many who debuted through the show.....
Yashimmanman is a South Korean talk show. Citizens were surveyed about various questions, and celebrity guests had to guess the public's top answers to the questions, sparking much discussion....
20 years ago, Park Joon-pil is the son of a mafia boss and Kang Tae-pyung is the son of a police officer. At the department store, while Kang Tae-pyung's dad attempts to arrest Joon-pil's dad, both the small boys become orphans. A fellow police officer takes in Joon-pil as his own son, thinking that the little boy is Tae-Pyung. Tae-pyung, however, is taken into an orphan home. Joon-pil knows he is a criminal's son. 20 years later, Joon-pil is an aspiring young police officer and Tae-pyung is a b...
A niece who lost her parents and grew up in the hands of an uncle who runs a shopping mall faces a new truth after her uncle's sudden death....
Four comedians who are famous for their love of food visit restaurants all over Korea to try the popular menus....
A reluctant clairvoyant joins forces with a brusque police detective hiding a soft heart to help him solve criminal cases using her psychic abilities....
This drama is about a story of a big family....
Forget the existing one-act dramas! Short but impactive! KBS Drama Special presents high quality single episode dramas. Dramas are the broadcast content with the widest public appeal. KBS Drama Special will produce short dramas of far-reaching impact involving at times a serious social message, unique emotions or perspectives. It will stay abreast of modern viewership....
Mysterious cases take place at an apartment complex which is about to go under reconstruction. Lee Goong-Bok is a real estate agent that works with apartments there. She has a meddlesome type of personality. In Cheol-Ho is a veteran detective....
30 years of living without existence A man who has come to a comfortable state of this kind of life Legendary Guardian, Reborn as a Tiger Mask!...
Yeonhee suddenly disappeared after her SNS account was hacked. Detective Ui-chan, who feels there is a secret behind Yeon-hee's death, who appears as a corpse after a while, investigates the people involved and learns the truth behind Yeon-hee's death....
Han-kyung a rustic girl, comes to town to live with her mom. Attracted to her pure charm, the most popular guys Hae-won and Tae-sung come up to fight each other. But Tae- sung has a fatal secret not to love her. Their sad love triangle makes everyone cry....
Two brothers on different sides of the law go head-to-head....
A man invites a young couple to vacation on a remote island to help reignite their faltering relationship. He initially seems to be a good host but the couple starts to suspect that his true intentions are much more sinister....
A gangster's quest for revenge is sidetracked by an encounter with his target's mother in this deeply-felt hybrid of a crime thriller and a family drama....
Min-Soo is a playboy who can't tolerate long term relationships. However, fate takes him to beautiful Hye-Won. While, Min-Soo becomes totally captivated by Hye-Won, Hye-Woon tries to resist Min-Soo, fearing their love will be shortened by her terminal illness....
Young-joon, a fresh prosecutor, takes a big affair to leave for Busan and unwillingly gets cooperation from his father, Min-ho who is a veteran detective who deserted his family at one time. Since then, they are living separately without keeping touch each other for years. Now that their destiny to trace the same host of the accident related with a big drug trade gives the father and son a chance to recover their affection over the long time....
It’s been 10 years since Mr. Park’s gas station was attacked by motorcycle gangs. To get his revenge, Park hires a quartet of dodgy boys: a lethal puncher, a footballer with a killer high kick, a potbellied wrestler, and a video game addict who mastered the art of bluffing. But these employees turn out to be more dangerous when they demand their overdue salaries....
The lives of Misong, an indebted prostitute living in a red-light district, and Geunhee, her parasitic pimp, may be the most vile and futile on earth. The harder they try to escape, the deeper they fall into the pit. Every day, survival becomes a war. Every day, Misong grows more and more exhausted, deprived of any hope. She also grows to resent Geunhee, a jobless burden. Geunhee is and always has been a patronizing deadbeat. One day, when Geunhee gathers the spirit to find a work, he encounters...
Ji-ho is a writer who cannot forget her first love Min-woo at high school. She meets Min-woo and acts as if she lost her memories to grab his attention. As she lives with him, Dong-sik comes along and annoys her plans....
Ga-In’s (Hong Soo-A) family went into financial difficulties when she was a college student. One day, she happens to meet Eun-Jung (Lim Seong-Eon). They went to the same high school. Unlike Ga-In, Eun-Jung seems to have everything including a happy marriage life and stable job. Ga-In feels jealous of Eun-Jung and soon she becomes obsessed that she is Eun-Jung....
Ho-bin and three friends were born and raised in Mokpo. They decide to take part in the band contest held in Jarasum after they formed the band, ‘Road No.1’. Then they come up with a plan to go there on foot in 30 days, doing busking on the road. They also contact broadcasting and join Hye-kyung, who is the producer of the broadcast company, on their journey. However, Hye-kyung looks down on what they are doing. What is worse, Ho-bin suddenly breaks away and the band ‘Road No.1’ is in crisis. Wi...
In a big city of Busan, twin brothers were left in the orphanage after the tragic death of their parents. Taeju, the older brother, becomes a cop and Taesung, the younger one, holds a significant position in the local gang. Their ironic fate adds up to have both of them love the same girl, Chanmi. As the feud between two different gangs surrounding the casino heats up, Taesung’s best friend betrays him and places him in a trap. As police line approaches, Taeju comes to persuade Taesung to surren...
Jimin has killed a girl in a car accident when she was driving with her fiance Woojin. From that night, she experiences terrifying hallucination seeing the dead girl. Unable to bear it, she finally goes to the police to report the truth, only to find that she didn’t actually have a car accident....
Jung-Jin is a criminal profiler and he came from the FBI in the United States. Yoo-Min is a detective and he graduated from the top police university, but he is more interested in women then arresting criminals. Jung-Jin and Yoo-Min are called to the special investigation headquarter for a secret meeting. There, Jung-Jin and Yoo-Min receive an order to take down the boss of a criminal organization. The crime boss, with the help of people in power, appears untouchable....
The day before Soo-min’s big concert day, her college friends Won-ho, Sun-ki, Hong, and Jin-sook gather to celebrate Soo-min. Talking about their old memories and having fun seems like a happy moment of old friends. But soon when Soo-min leaves to the bathroom, Jin-sook starts a disturbing story about Soo-min that she has been sexually abused by her dad and brother after her mom’s death. As all friends are shocked, one by one starts to talk about Soo-min’s whole secrets as if they know everythin...
In a blighted area of Seoul, four brothers live in a building set to be demolished due to an urban development plan. The eldest brother than tries to benefit from all the confrontations ......
A crime action thriller about the process of chasing and being chased by a murder suspect and a homicide detective....