Committed is a television sitcom that aired on NBC as a midseason replacement from January 4 to March 15, 2005. Although originally broadcast twice a week the series eventually settled in a regular timeslot on Tuesdays at 9:30PM EST after Scrubs. The show starred Josh Cooke and Jennifer Finnigan and costarred Darius McCrary, Tammy Lynn Michaels and Tom Poston. Cooke and Finnigan played two single and extremely eccentric New Yorkers who are subject to constant interference when they begin dating ...
A group of lesbian friends struggle with romance and careers in Los Angeles....
That '80s Show is an American sitcom that aired from January through May 2002. Despite having a similar name, show structure, and many of the same writers and production staff, it is not considered a direct spin-off of the more successful That '70s Show. The characters and storylines from both shows never crossed paths. It was a separate decade-based show created because of That '70s Show's popularity at the time....
Brooke McQueen, a popular cheerleader at Jacqueline Kennedy High School, and Sam McPherson, the editor of the school paper, are polar opposites. When their single parents unexpectedly meet and get engaged, Brooke and Sam have to deal with their new situation on top of regular teenage girl problems....
Eight stories celebrating family, faith, love and forgiveness come to life in this series inspired by Dolly Parton's iconic country music catalog....
A quartet of girls from a prep high school are recruited by a secret paramilitary academy to conduct cloak-and-dagger missions. Short film later expanded into a feature film with the same name....