A South African television soap opera created by Franz Marx which revolves around the daily ups, downs, trials and tribulations of a handful of families in and around Johannesburg (which is often referred to as eGoli - the City of Gold)...
The series follows Marietjie Barnhoorn, the estranged wife of a successful businessman; Leana Steyn, the private secretary of an elderly business tycoon, who is ruthless in her ambitions to overcome her impoverished past; and aging ballerina Mercia Meyer, who returns to South Africa after living and working abroad and has to deal with the hostility of her fellow South Africans....
With the oppressive climate of 1970s South Africa as the backdrop, this erotic biopic tells the story of Glenda Kemp (playing herself), a former Sunday school teacher who becomes an exotic dancer -- and provocatively shares the stage with a python. Creating an uproar and breaking every taboo in the book with her act, Kemp soon finds herself charged with indecency as the government attempts to ban her seductive performance art....
Daan and his brother, Dingetjie, travel to Cape Town in search of Doctor McDonald to cure Dingetjie's shy nature. They encounter a conman who introduces them to a phony clairvoyant who promises to heal Dingetjie spiritually....
Hans van Rensburg and Gert Kruger declare ware against Trans-Afrika Mynontwikkelings because they want to change the bushveld into a minedump. The manager of the mine Hannetjie Kruger (Gert's ex wife) tries everything to subtly change oom Hans and Gert's mind......
A final year medical student goes on the run after bring implicated in the hit and run death of a fellow student....