White Collar Blue is an Australian television series made by Knapman Wyld Television for Network Ten from 2002 to 2003. Starring Peter O'Brien as Joe Hill and Freya Stafford as Harriet Walker, the series dealt with a division of the police force working in the city of Sydney and the personal and professional tensions affecting their work and lives. In the pilot episode, Harriet is introduced as the new face to Kingsway station, transferring from the "White Collar" federal police to the "Blue C...
Gloria's House is the messiest house in a street full of perfect homes but it's a lot more fun than any of the other squeaky clean places in Chillsville....
The Adventures Of Blinky Bill is an animated television series based on Dorothy Wall's books about Blinky Bill. The series is produced by Yoram Gross. Set in Greenpatch, a fictional Australian town, the series presents stories of conservation and nature through the activities of Blinky Bill and his family and friends....
Police Rescue was an Australian television series The series dealt with the New South Wales Police Rescue Squad based in Sydney and their work attending to various incidents from road accidents to train crashes....
Who do you call when in fairy tale land there's a crime being committed? The F.T.P.D.. Two crack detectives named Kris Anderson & Johnny Legend solve all the cases involving our beloved & favorite characters from the well known fairy tales....
Big Sky is an Australian television drama series produced by John Edwards that ran for two seasons on Network Ten from 1997 to 1999. The show centred on the adventures of the pilots of a small aviation company in Australia called "Big Sky Aviation" and the battles of the owner to keep the company running. Chief pilot Chris Manning is determined to look after his team, even if that conflicts with the new boss, Lauren Allen, who has inherited the company following the death of her father....
Alejandro, a tough and ambitious Latino street orphan on the verge of adolescence, lives and works in an auto-body repair shop in a sprawling junkyard on the outskirts of Queens, New York. In this chaotic world of adults, young Alejandro struggles to make a better life for himself and his 16-year-old sister, Isamar....