Taiyo Sentai Sun Vulcan is the fifth season in Toei Company's Super Sentai tokusatsu television series. It was broadcast from February 7, 1981, to January 30, 1982, and is the only Super Sentai series to serve as a direct sequel to its previous series and the only all-male Super Sentai team. Its international English title as listed by Toei is simply Sun Vulcan. This was the last Sentai season to be co-produced with Marvel Comics....
Five agents stand against the evil organization Egos. They fight incorporating dance moves from all around the world! This was the first time giant robots appeared on the Sentai series....
Denzimen are warriors who fight against the Vader Clan, a clan that tries to pollute the Earth with sludge. Denzimen fight using the Super Science of the Denzi people....
A Sun Vulcan movie was released on July 18, 1981 at the Toei Manga Festival. It takes place some time after episode 23. In it Black Magma decides to separate Hiba from his teammates while plotting to blow up Tokyo with hidden bombs....
The story of Japan's victory in the battle of Tsushima Strait....
In 1979 Toei president Shigeru Okada saw the future. More precisely, he saw Walter Hill's The Warriors in the US prior to its Japanese opening. Okada rushed back to make his own version. "Towards the 80! Our era! Now filming!" the trailer exclaimed. The plot is roughly the same as in The Warriors except this time the chased gang has to make it from Kobe to Tokyo and the leader's got the enemy's sister handcuffed to him. Hardly great cinema, but undeniably entertaining with frantic pacing, loads ...