Tomica Hero: Rescue Force is a Japanese tokusatsu television series that began airing April 5, 2008, on TV Aichi. It is the first Tomica Hero series based on Takara Tomy's Tomica toy car line. The characters use Tomica's Super Tools and Super Vehicles to help save people from Super-Disasters and battle the evil causing them. It is the second tokusatsu series that Takara Tomy has been involved in following Madan Senki Ryukendo. It is directed by Masato Tsujino, and written by Shinichi Inotsume an...
Taking place between episodes 38 and 39 of the Tomica Hero: Rescue Force television series, the film features Doktor Madu joining forces with the Neo Thera to hijack the super express train Mach Train with his Metal Train, intending to use the Mach Train in the most Super-Disaster ever....
The Tomica Hero Grand Prix gets underway with the five Rescue Force members hoping to become the "Fastest in Rescue Force". During the race, Neo Thera joins in and tries to sabotage the other cars, leading to a nail-biting photo finish. This short was screened before the movie, Tomica Hero: Rescue Force Explosive Movie: Rescue the Mach Train!...