Farmed and Dangerous is a four-part webisode comedy series from Chipotle Mexican Grill. This series is a satire of "Big Ag" and "Big Food" practices, featuring the fictional megacorporation Animoil feeding cows petropellets, which are made from petroleum directly rather than indirectly, from the corn and soybean that require so much petroleum products to grow (nitrogen fertilizer is made from the nitrogen present in the air and hydrogen present in natural gas from fracking)....
Jenny is an American sitcom that aired on NBC from 1997 to 1998. The series was intended to be a star vehicle for Playboy Playmate Jenny McCarthy. It was rated TV-MA....
An attorney uncovers a political conspiracy in the brutal killing of a wealthy young woman....
Johnny Otto's newest project "The Sun King" is a dark, quirky short film (20 Min.) about a Young Woman named Chloe (Thessa M'Loe) who begins following a mysterious Crime Fighter, (Pedro Shanahan) who she claims has special powers, which are the result of taking some sort of drug. After encountering a Young Man named Ben, (Tim Perkins) Chloe begins to confess everything she has seen to him. But will Ben believe her strange and unlikely story or simple think that she is going mad? And, is there mo...
Written & Directed by Robert McAtee....
The perfect summer vacation quickly spirals out of control for a group of friends on the infamous, picturesque party getaway of Fire Island as they find themselves caught in a web of sex, lies and cold blooded murder....
A man comes face-to-face with the dark choices of his past....
An involuntary road trip through the vast and mysterious landscape of a worldwide human trafficking ring....
Near the end of his life, a movie star from Hollywood's Golden Age must reconcile with the only man he ever loved....
The plan was easy; the job was not. On a snowy night a tight crew of four criminals plan to pull off a routine heist. When things go horribly wrong, friendship, loyalty and trust are pushed to the limit....
Psychiatrist Sydney Garland spends another day at the office, but when a gunned man with an unknown want enters, things take an unexpected turn....
Linda is trapped when the nuclear power plant in which she works threatens a meltdown, while her girlfriend takes on a major storm which could destroy their island home....
Five strangers - newlywed serial killers, a suicidal, depressed policeman, and two young runaways with a secret - become suspects and potential victims when a masked murderer makes its presence known in an isolated mountain town....
A festive gathering in a secluded small-town farmhouse in the mountains is brought to a halt when a bright burst of light explodes from the barn. Stranded in the middle of nowhere, they carefully investigate, making a discovery not of this world....
A boy and a girl who have just met transport a corpse on request to the north of Mexico. When the police discover them at a routine check, they are forced to flee. Forced to team up, they will abandon their secrecy and mistrust while trying to assert his only heritage: a dead man who they only know is worth money if they manage to take him to his destination....
A neo-noir thriller centered around veteran detective, Gillian Kepley. During Kepley's investigation of a troubling missing persons case, hidden truths from her past are uncovered. The case pushes her beyond her limits and forces her to confront mistakes from her burdened life....