Seiun Kamen Machineman is a Japanese tokusatsu television series created by Shotaro Ishinomori and produced by Toei Company. It aired from January 13th until September 28th, 1984. It revolves around the adventures of Nick, a college student from the Ivy planet and his arrival on Earth to study the earthlings' behavior. Upon arrival, he is called in for the activities of the evil organization called "Tentacle", whose don, Professor K, wishes to eliminate all children in the world. Several of the...
After years of absence, Teppei’s joyous reunion with his brother is cut short when the two brothers are attacked. When his brother is kidnapped, Teppei gives chase only to find himself cornered in a junkyard when a miracle appears. His spilled blood awakens the legendary B’t X....
Spectreman is the name and title superhero of a tokusatsu sci-fi TV series. Produced by P Productions and created by producer Souji Ushio, this series aired on Fuji TV from January 2, 1971 to March 25, 1972 with a total of 63 episodes, not counting the pre-series pilot episode. This was the first major superhero show of the 1970s....
After Inspector Zenigata is reassigned from the Lupin case and grows despondent, master thief Lupin the Third decides to help him get his old job back, teaming up with the old man to destroy the international weapon smugglers Shot Shell. Together with Lupin's long-time partners in crime, they steal a nuclear Russian submarine and enlist the help of a nuclear physicist named Karen, who keeps suspiciously eyeing Lupin's partner Jigen. If that weren't enough, Zenigata's Interpol successor is an ass...
Based on an autobiographical novel by Toshiko Takagi, set close to the end of World War II...
Teenage cousins Masao and Tamiko fall in love when she comes to his riverside brewery house to take care of his sickly mother. Family objections ensue as Tamiko is older than Masao, and the two cannot marry in peace....
Eros Eterna tells the story of a legendary immortal nun who wanders around encountering several people of various conditions....
Based on the manga of the same name by Kazuo Kamimura....
Kobayashi Isamu, a first-year high school student, lives in a family of four with his father, an artist, his mother, an insurance agent, and his sister, an office worker. To make ends meet, he works as a milkman. At school, he is a member of the kendo club and spends his days working out with his seniors. Over time, he has various encounters with a series of girls....
A lavish retelling of the true story of the final voyage and ultimate destruction and sinking of the battleship Yamato, Japan's greatest flagship during the Second World War....
A tragic love story between a prostitute and a young trainee monk....