La que se avecina is a Spanish television comedy created by Alberto Caballero, Laura Caballero and Daniel Deorador. The TV-series focusing around the inhabitants of Mirador de Montepinar, a fictional building located on the outskirts of a big city. Both its storylines and cast are heavily based on Aquí no hay quien viva, which ended when Telecinco bought Miramón Mendi, the series production company. The episodes debuted on the Telecinco network, and were later rerun by the same network as well ...
Victor Genovés, an influential businessman, is blackmailed: if he doesn't agree to pay a large sum of money, the self-styled Midas favorites will kill a person at random at a designated place and time and add a new victim periodically until they achieve their goal. How many deaths will he be able to carry on his shoulders?...
Charting the life of Isabella I of Castile, one of the most important women in Spain’s history, Isabel follows her passionate story from childhood to being crowned Queen. From her political struggles within King Henry IV's court to her wedding to Ferdinand of Aragon, the drama encapsulates the passions, emotions and sacrifices of a woman who refused to just be a figurehead and whose outlook was ahead of her time....
A boy named Flipy goes to summer camp so that he can be with with his dream girl, Violeta....
Eloy de Palma is an exorcist pastor roaming the darkest corners of the country with his granddaughter Alba. Their mission is to help those possessed by The Evil One, an infection of the soul that is spreading fast. Each exorcism is tougher than the one before, and every battle reveals a piece of Alba’s forgotten past – an enigma that if unconcealed could change the world as we know it....
How the cinema industry does not respect the author's work as it was conceived, how manipulates the motion pictures in order to make them easier to watch by an undemanding audience or even how mutilates them to adapt the original formats and runtimes to the restrictive frame of the television screen and the abusive requirements of advertising. (Followed by “Filmmakers in Action.”)...
What is the state of cinema and what being a filmmaker means? What are the measures taken to protect authors' copyright? What is their legal status in different countries? (Sequel to “Filmmakers vs. Tycoons.”)...
Bea is a successful architect who lives in Barcelona (Catalonia, northeast to Spain) with her boyfriend and boss, Víctor, a CEO of an important company. During a night celebration of an important contract signed to make a skyscraper designed by Bea, in the bar appears the famous TV reporter and anchorwoman Rebecca Ramos, Victor's personal erotic fantasy. Not measuring the consequences of her actions due to the alcohol she drank, Bea makes a meeting between Víctor and Rebecca. When to the next da...