Doctor’s Diary is a German-Austrian medical drama, that aired for three seasons from 2008 to 2011 on RTL in a coproduction with ORF. The focus of the series is the young doctor Margarete "Gretchen“ Haase, who wants to make a career in a hospital. It was directed by Bora Dağtekin and shown from the June 23, 2008 to February 14 2011 on German television, RTL Television. In Canada, it was shown starting August 31, 2010 on Séries+ television. In France, from June 8, 2011 on TF1 television and start...
When Binny moves to a new house with her parents in Berlin, the spirit of a fourteen-year-old becomes her roommate. Binny needs to help the ghost in uncovering mysteries about his past and identity....
Eine für alle – Frauen können’s besser is a German television series....
The SOKO Stuttgart team investigates analytically and with sensitivity in the likeable state capital. The exciting cases of the series lead them to bizarre crime scenes and to different milieus....
Türkisch für Anfänger is a critically acclaimed German television comedy-drama series, which premiered on March 14, 2006 on Das Erste. It was created by Bora Dağtekin and produced by Hoffmann & Voges Ent. The show focuses on the German-Turkish stepfamily Schneider-Öztürk, their everyday lives and particularly on the eldest daughter Lena, who narrates the show. During the show's run of 52 episodes, topics covered included both typical problems of teenagers and cross-cultural experiences. Due to...
During an emergency landing on a deserted island suddenly traumatized by antiauthoritarian education Lena Schneider together with the Turkish Super Macho Cem Öztürk must fight for survival. After initially Cem macho repulsive acts on Lena, a jellyfish in the water and sand in a bikini, she recognizes the time the romantic core behind his cool facade. Meanwhile, meet also their parents, who obdurate psychologist Doris and Metin Öztürk to work together to find their missing children. So both gener...