Towards the Republic, also known as For the Sake of the Republic and Zou Xiang Gong He, is a Chinese historical television series first broadcast on CCTV in China from April to May 2003. The series is based on events that occurred in China between the late 19th century and early 20th century that led to the collapse of the Qing Dynasty and the founding of the Republic of China. Owing to its portrayal of historical issues deemed politically sensitive by the Chinese government, the series has been...
Spec saga "The Romance of Satori" is a 24 minute science fiction-comedy-adventure-action-suspense-romance-mystery starring Yuina Kuroshima as Ito Ninomae, Erina Mano as Satori Hoshi and Naoki Kunishima as Shoichi Mizushima. The series premiered on Fri Sep 28, 2018 on Paravi and EP06 (S01E06) last aired on Fri Sep 28, 2018....
In the early 1930's Shanghai, various forces raged in the storm and the society was in turmoil. Ding Yiqing, the daughter of a wealthy businessman from Ningbo, came to Shanghai alone and met Communists underground workers Dong Hongyu, Lin Mosheng, Du Ying and many others. They experienced the outbreak of the War of Resistance against Japan in 1938. After the Pacific War in 1942, they completed various tasks for the revolution, letting the passion of youth burn as they strive for their ideal day....
Daimon Michiko is a 37-year-old freelance surgeon who is part of a questionable “doctor placement service” that has her wander from hospital to hospital. The harsh environment at the hospitals led many doctors to retire from their positions, forcing hospitals to make use of said program to fill the empty spots at least temporary. However, Michiko doesn’t look like a doctor at all with her flashy clothes and eccentric attitude. In the first episode she raises objections to a certain operation whi...
Murasaki Shikibu (Yoshitaka Yuriko), the heroine of this story, wrote the bestseller 'The Tale of Genji,' transcending a thousand years during the Heian period. She weaves the story of Hikaru Genji, fueled by her love for Fujiwara no Michinaga (Emoto Tasuku), with her hidden passion and incomparable imagination. It is a tale of a woman who lived with unchanging love in an ever-changing world. (From TV JAPAN)...
In 1945, Harbin has come under the rule of Japan's puppet state known as Manchukuo. Communist agent Song Zhuo Wen successfully infiltrates Harbin Secret Service where Guan Xue holds a post as the chief of special police....
Jiao Jia Ren was saved by pediatrician Gu Li Feng as a child and followed in his footsteps as a young adult. Aware of her talent and potential, Gu Li Feng, now the director of the top children’s hospital in the city, bends the rules to take her in as a registrar. Surrounded by a group of elite specialists at her new workplace, Jiao Jia Ren is no longer the cream of the crop and works extra hard to make up for the gap in skill level. Jiao Jiaren and her colleagues Deng Ziang, Gu Jiaren, and Wang...
Sakura runs a secondhand bookstore in Tokyo with a hidden "meeting place" where those in need can gather, share their stories, and enjoy a free meal. Offering comfort and support, Sakura creates a space for healing and connection....
Kindaichi's best friend is involved with the school film club where members are found murdered. Can he protect her before she become the next victim?...
A young man who showed little promise while a high school student becomes a master detective, just like his grandfather....
Lee suffers from Time Perception Disorder (TPD), a rare psychological illness that makes one unable to judge the length of time. Lee holds a boring job and his biggest interest is to play video games. That is a hobby inspired by Lee’s uncle, who left Lee a mysterious video game disc. His uncle claims that anyone who beats the game would open the door of time travel. Lee’s life dramatically changed when Wang Qian steps into his life. Wang Qian also suffers from TPD so she understands Lee more tha...
Gu Li is different from birth, so she has been a troubled "problem girl" since she was a child. In her opinion, this is a manifestation of morbidity. She also often hurts her surroundings because of her "illness", so over time no one wants to be her friend. When she was in adolescence, she was suffering and fell into deep self-blame. Many years ago, Zhang Jiahe and Gu Li were neighbors, and the two were childhood playmates. One time, Gu Li rescued Zhang Jiahe, who was in danger. When Zhang Jiahe...
Korean foreign exchange student Kim Yong-Dong (Seung-Ri) studies in Hong Kong and works part-time at a hotel. A murder then takes place in the hotel and Kim Yong-Dong is the prime suspect. Hajime Kindaichi (Ryosuke Yamada) works to uncover the truth....
The Suspicious centers around a mysterious pharmaceutical company and its new drug that cures insomnia. The owner Li attempts to sell his company to a Japanese businessman, but the businessman only has eyes on the formula of his new drug. Joe portrays An Qi’er, a senior secretary who strikes an ambiguous relationship with Lin Yitai, an insomniac general sales manager at the pharmaceutical company. Portraying an extremely cold, evil and manipulative character, Joe said she has finally fulfilled ...
Various parties and different motives all intersect at an inn on the eve of closure; at the center of everything is an elusive and enigmatic bandit. A band of mine robbers, a thief and some Japanese soldiers all set out to find a lucrative gold mine, unaware that they're heading right into a trap....
A female career banker shatters the glass ceiling of a mega bank by disclosing its shady business to light. Tamaki, the Gold Woman, has worked her way up to be appointed General Manager of the office regarded as the General Staff Headquar- ters of the Bank with an assignment to liquidate its subsidiary by laying off 200 employees in total. Such mentally challenging appointment was made via recommendation by her senior colleague Mai, a smart and foxy woman running ahead of Tamaki in her career. W...
A railroad worker in China in 1941 leads a team of freedom fighters against the Japanese in order to get food for the poor....
Based on the story of the folk musician Nie Er and the creation of "The March of the Volunteers", national anthem of the People's Republic of China....
Year 1941, a roll of film is delivered to Shanghai and a Chinese spy named Gong An Ming (Liu Yun Long) must decide what he should do with the film, which turns out containing a great secret that could shock the whole world. He discovers the plan code named 'East Wind Rain' and passes the information to the American that their territory will soon be invaded by the Japanese. The code is aired during the weather report from Radio Tokyo on Dec 4, 1941. While in Shanghai An Ming meets with a singer c...
Magic Knife disciple Ya Qing involved in the conspiracy of the "snake man" and forced to flee to meet two friends....