The premise of the series revolves around the daily lives of different couples of all ages from 20 to 65, but who are not connected to each other. Each couple has their own space where they live, while the story of each couple in each episode is not connected to the stories of the other couples....
One big legacy, many beneficiaries, a new club in the town and an extremely erotic confusion....
The Greek version of the award-winning series Modern family. Three modern families face the usual and sometimes strange problems and compose a complex scene full of madness and love....
A journalist returns to a dark, virtually unrecognizable Athens to investigate his best friend's murder. The victim's girlfriend gives him a hand but they soon realize they either have to abandon their investigation or become cogs in a powerful machine. Marionettes is a story of mystery, shot in an unknown, dark and full of temptations Athens....
The touching story of a child from a Pontic refugee family who managed to survive and thrive against all odds, thanks to his immense talent and resilience in the face of social and personal challenges. Music, love, family, friends, fishing, creativity, people of the night, hardcore fans, and intense conflicts come together to create the mosaic of his life. This film is a tribute to legendary singer, Stelios Kazantzidis, whose voice touched the hearts of all Greeks around the world. A film for th...
When one fine morning a peaceful neighborhoods disrupted by the unexpected disappearance of a Latvian manicurist, Iocasti Papadamou joins forces with ingenious, albeit completely naive, neighbor in order to shed light on the bizarre case....
This bitter political satire is based on a theatre play, later made to a movie, of which the current film is a remake.It's main focus is the clientelistic character of Greek politics which makes a well-meaning but naive Health minister to employ an ambitious young provincial with a talent for lying in order to handle the diverse demands of his volatile political clientèle.The provincial becomes the mastermind behind every move of the minister causing the envy of the minister's closest associates...