Reel Love: Tween Hearts is a Filipino youth-oriented series created by Kit Villanueva – Langit, under the direction of Gina Alajar and produced by GMA Network. It features the network's homegrown tween stars headed by Barbie Forteza, Joshua Dionisio, Bea Binene and Jake Vargas. The series premiered September 26, 2010. The show has been extend three times and now on its fourth season. Over its course, the cast has been growing and extending compared to the original main cast. Originally slated t...
When a criminal performs astral projection to switch physical body with her cousin, a life will be stolen and forced to be prisoned. The cousin will plan to regain her family and life....
Joey Flores-Vergara, a woman trapped in a man's body who dreams and hoped to be the best for his parents. He struggle in life yet continue to be patient and understanding. Joey becomes a stronger person in her new life as Destiny Rose, as he faces more challenges in his journey to becoming a renowned writer and a full-fledged woman....
A Philippine seasonal anthology series that features brand new stories made for television while still staying true to the themes of love, family, and legacy from the iconic Mano Po films....
'Regal Studio Presents' is a co-production between two formidable giants in show business--GMA Network and Regal Entertainment. It is a collection of weekly specials which feature timely, feel-good stories....
A story of a once-happy family devastated by a strange disease, to which THE CURE is still unknown. Greg, Charity and Hope's peaceful life take a drastic turn when Greg's mother is diagnosed with late-stage cancer. Desperate for treatment, Greg gets his hands on an experimental drug made by Dra. Evangeline Lazaro and gives it to his mother. What was supposed to be the miracle cure for cancer becomes the root of an infection that grips not only Greg and his family but also threatens to spread all...
The journey of Billie's search for a career, love and a family as four men fight for her affections....
Mano Po Legacy: Her Big Boss is a 2022 Philippine television drama romantic comedy series broadcast by GMA Network. The series is the second installment of Mano Po Legacy. It stars Bianca Umali, Ken Chan and Kelvin Miranda. It premiered on March 14, 2022 on the network's Telebabad line up....
An exotic dancer falls in love with a priest-to-be....
A young father is separated from her ill and dying daughter by the authorities. It is due to his sordid past that reflects his involvement in a kidnap for-no-ransom-incursion against an authority, who victimizes his entire family in a state-sponsored-killing....
The film is about a 65-year old retiree Cory who gets reunited with her 1st love and finally, the supposed date happens 5 decades after they got separated....
Enteng has made use of his skills in the ironworks and robotics industries, becoming a successful businessman. He also spends more time with his cute granchild Benokis. But trouble arises when Kwak-Kwak, who was booted from Engkatasya, returns to create chaos through a virtual game. Enteng then gathers the Abangers, led by his son Benok, to fight....
Erika and Tristan fell in love in their younger years. When they meet again, will Erika be willing to risk her heart again?...