Sometimes in a woman’s life, passions boil over and lead them to do things that – in ordinary circumstances – they would never dream of doing. And sometimes this manifests itself in a desire for intimacy. This omnibus-style drama series focuses on a different woman in each episode, focusing on the series of events that led up to a single instance of “transforming into an animal.”...
Kagami Sakamori was one of the top players in the VRMMO Ark Earth Online as Danblf, a veteran summoner with the gravitas to match his elite status. When he falls asleep playing one day, he's transported to a world where the game is reality—but instead of his all-powerful avatar, he's stuck in the body of a cute young girl! He can't let anyone know that this little cutie is really Danblf, so he takes the name “Mira” and claims to be Danblf's disciple. If this gets out, he'll never live it down!...
Sinohara Yuri (Fumika Baba) is a young female college student who has been troubled by a dangerous stalker who won’t leave her alone....
One day, on his way to high school, student Junpei picks up an unusual looking rock. Thinking nothing of it, he heads to class. While in the middle of a session, the rock comes to life and transports him and four others to an animated world! To make matters more interesting, the group is introduced to a giant sphinx who is determined to take over the world! Now, to protect their world from invasion, the group must work together as anime characters and real-world humans!...
In the near future, the resurgence of ninjitsu in Japan sets the stage for the adventures of Rentaro Kagura, Kamen Rider Shinobi! (spin-off miniseries of Kamen Rider Zi-O)...
Keiwa and Sara are transported to the World of Shinobi where they assist Rentaro and his allies in fighting the powerful Amakusa Shiro Tokisada....
Tatsuhiko Kido is a young man who moved from Tokyo to attend a vocational school. Although he thought he had begun his new school life with no problem, he finds a hole in his wall, and sometimes he feels a gaze coming at him from that hole, so he can't relax. The night he went drinking with his classmate Yoneyama, he sees a light coming from the same hole when he comes home. When he tries calling out to the other side, he gets a reply......
With violent thugs eager to make a name for themselves, the cops ask undefeated high school gang leader Shota Hirose to skip town for a year. While Shota was away, his younger friend Mikiya rose to the top and is in control of the rival high schools, but Shota does not agree with his methods....
This is a continuation of Friends Games. Now the group of friends realises they have fallen into this game and they are in the second set of game, Kageguchi Sugoroku. Will Katagiri Yuichi find out who led them into this deceptive game between money and friends?...
With violent thugs eager to make a name for themselves, the cops ask undefeated high school gang leader Shota Hirose to skip town for a year. Shota leaves his own town to put an end to the violence between rival high schools. He returns after a year only to find things are worse....
The third movie in Léona Hirota's 'Candy Boys' series....