Each episode contains three theatrical Looney Tunes cartoons and an animated direct-to-video Scooby-Doo film with new linking sequences created by removing all the dialogue from existing Warner Brothers' movie or television show, and replacing it with an entirely new recording, the scenes being reedited to fit the fictional studio setting of the show....
Dofus: The Treasures of Kerubim, is an animated series set in the world of the Dofus MMORPG. Unlike its sister series, Wakfu, there is no great overarching adventure to be had, nor any powerful villain to thwart. In fact, the central premise of the series is that all of Kerubim's adventures are already over. Instead, most episodes are about the eponymous character regaling his adopted grandson with tales about his adventures when he was younger, usually based around a trophy of some sort that he...
Prince Argai, a knight from 1250 a.d. travels through time to save his girlfriend Angele from the evil ruler of the world in 2075, Queen Dark....
Mummy Nanny is a French-German television series. It follows the story of Nile, an Egyptian mummy who is awoken from her sleep after thousands of years and is hired as a nanny for Capucine and Alex's family....
Marie Heurtin is born both blind and deaf. Sister Marguerette wins her trust and teaches her how to express herself....
Two teenage girls are rehearsing a scene from a play by Marivaux, a love scene, and from the first seconds, we know who will be the heroine, who will be Charlotte, the one who will, to summarize brutally, discover her homosexuality....