Binoy Henyo or Wonder Kid is a Filipino drama-comedy television series created and developed by Marlon Miguel and produced by GMA Network. The show premiered on July 22, 2013 on the network's pre-primetime slot, replacing Home Sweet Home, and on July 24, 2013 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV. It stars David Remo as the titular character, with Sheena Halili, Luis Alandy, Nova Villa and Gwen Zamora. Winnie Hollis-Reyes executive produced the series and Albert Langitan directed the show. The series concl...
Machete is a fantasy Philippine drama produced by GMA Network adapted from a character of the same name created by Pablo S. Gomez. Directed by Don Michael Perez, the show premiered on January 24, 2011 replacing Jillian: Namamasko Po on the GMA Telebabad block. The show is broadcast internationally through GMA Pinoy TV on January 26, 2011, two days after its original release. The series is a remake for the movie with the same title which starred Cesar Montano and Rita Avila and was remade again i...
Alakdana is an original fantasy-suspense drama series produce by GMA Network. It is topbilled by tween star Louise delos Reyes as Adana. Her leading men for this project are Paulo Avelino, Richie Paul Gutierrez and newcomer Alden Richards. Members of its cast include Jean Garcia, Matthew Mendoza, Jobelle Salvador, Jhoana Marie Tan, Perla Bautista, Racquel Montesa, and Ian de Leon. It will be directed by Mac Alejandre and premieres this January 24, 2011 on GMA′s Dramarama sa Hapon block replacing...
Biritera or Diva is a Filipino musical drama created by Jun Lana, written by Agnes Gagelonia-Uligan and produced and aired by GMA Network. The series headlines Angelika dela Cruz, Dennis Trillo, Glaiza de Castro and singing child star Roseanne Magan in the title role. The story centers to the life of a simple little girl whose dream to become a famous singer. In her quest to become a full-fledged biritera, she will also discover the mystery behind her true identity. Directed by Maryo J. de los...
The Witness tells the story about the girl "Angel Williams" who is having nightmares about a boy who is commiting suicide. One day Angel is invited by her family to a dinner in their house because Angel is quite busy so she missed their family reunions. A unknown man appears on the house and killed her guards,maids,sister,mother and father. Leaving her as "The Witness".When she manage to escape while the killer is finding her,she was shot into her back. She survived and she must investigate the ...
Enteng wants to retire as the hero of Engkantasya and have a normal life with his family without the magical elements. Ina longs to have the right partner to be with her for the rest of her life. One day, Enteng is placed under a powerful evil spell by the evil witch Satana to fall in love with another woman. And when he meets Ina, he exerts all the effort Ina to fall for him. Ina, on the other hand, slowly opens her heart for this new opportunity of love. Enteng then tries his best to be a fat...
Miri is trapped in her past and this time her whole past comes crashing back into her life: old dead secrets, her dead parents, and even the walking dead. Miris return to Manila only brings her back to more trouble the personal kind. Even as a young girl, Miri believed she is responsible for her parents death and the guilt kept her from building healthy relationships with those around her specially with her younger brother Mark. Miri Alvarez, is one of the best agents of an international group...
Isabel Reyes (Rhian Ramos) is an infamous soap opera villain in the country. Everyone simply loathes Isabel which makes her the most condemned personality in the world of television. But by some weird twist of fate, Isabel's life turns upside down when she encounters a near-death accident. The wicked antagonist experiences a sudden change of heart and being the top kontrabida of her soap opera, Isabel couldn't just deliver her heartlessness and cruelty in front of the camera. Her over-the-top vi...
There is an underground battle going on in the name of love. The soldiers are all Pikapistas! With pick-up lines as their weapons to woo the gorgeous Neneng B. (Sam Pinto), the war sizzles in the dark corners of the Metro. And there is one undefeated champion among them - BOY PICKUP (Ogie Alcasid)! Legendary, enigmatic, hypnotic, that’s his appeal to most who don’t get what his works penetrate their heart just the same. Despite his underground fame and legend, Boy Pickup lives a normal and soli...
There is trouble brewing in the world of Agimat and monsters are scaring and kidnapping children. The monsters seem capable of travelling in other worlds and Agimat is able to crossover with them to Encantasia, the world of Faye, Ina Magenta and our hero, Enteng Kabisote. The fairies wonder why monsters are able to cross worlds. Agimat is amazed of the other world and hopes that things in his world would turn out better. His dream one day is to have a happy family like Enteng’s....
Ford, a surfing instructor from the Philippines has been told his whole life that he's the son of Francis Ford Coppola. He's wasted his youth waiting as his mother petitions the director to acknowledge Ford as his son. But as the surfing season ends, he’s forced to confront his past actions, inactions, and the stories of his life....
A gay hairdresser gets into a coma and wakes up a straight guy, turning his life and relationships upside down....
A millennial society's search for post-limerence in the digital landscape....
With this film (the second war trilogy set during the Filipino-American war in the early 1900s), the revolution marches on against the Americans after the bloody death of General Antonio Luna. The conflicted philosophies behind the heroic struggle continue and become personified in the colorful character of General Gregorio "Goyo" del Pilar....