Las Juanas is a Colombian telenovela. It first aired in 1997 on the Colombian Network RCN. The show was written by Bernardo Romero Pereira, and was his most successful telenovela after the globally distributed series Café and Yo Soy Betty, La Fea....
A mafia gang tries to get some until a pretty lady appears to ruin their plans....
A young peasant girl emigrates to Bogotá to become the servant of a middle-class family with problems of their own....
This movie is about violence in Colombia....
The story of legendary Colombian actor Hernando "El Culebro" Casanova, told by his youngest son Nicolás Casanova, featuring unseen archival footage and unheard tracks....
A wealthy Columbian politician blinded by his own privilege is forced to walk a mile in the shoes of the people he despises most after falling victim to a violent attack and subsequently losing his memory. Miguel was a man of fine stock, a politician who has led a charmed life since the day he was born. But Miguel has no appreciation for his lot in life, and scoffs at the everyday people who must struggle just to survive. One day, after being assaulted on the street and left for dead, Miguel awa...
Four short love stories from the point of view of four different men....