Clem follows the life of a young teenager, Clémentine, who becomes a mother at the age of sixteen, at the centre of tensions between her parents and Julien, the father of her child Valentin. It deals with the problems of teenage life and that of a mother with a strong personality....
At 50, Merlin—the greatest magician in the kingdom— would like nothing more than to retire to the woods and live in peace. But with the arrival of the fairy Viviane and young Lancelot, Merlin's plans are derailed....
After the attacks in Paris in 2015, Raphael Mehlman is really aware of his Jewishness. His brother, the writer Joël Mehlman, develops a novel then gets lost between his characters and reality, mixing his fiction and his own life....
At only 23 years old, Edouard Couret has everything to succeed: he is young, he is handsome, he is about to get married and, above all, he is running to become a Conservative MP. The only problem is that for the past three years, Edouard has also been in a love affair with Georges, a man who can't stand this situation any longer and who is going to put him up against the wall....
Olivia Coudreuse and Martin de Luz find themselves for a night in the flat where they loved each other. Olivier is willing to relight the flamme of his sentiments but Olivia stays a prisoner of her memories. All in this place reminds her of lost days and of the love they could not keep....
In a silence after another uproar, Lou and Noa drive in a car on a small road in the middle of nowhere. Lou is in the back, hurt, she's crying. Noa drives nervously. There has been a violent interaction....
Léo, twenty five years old, is a being who has lost himself. He is alone in a more and more unbearable existence by means of space and of vacuity. He is exhausted, incapable to pursue. For Léo, drugs are another means to spend this endless time which we call life. On a soft summer night in an abandoned villa surrounded with trees and with greenery, he injects a big quantity of heroine in the shape of ultimate journey with no return....