Galactik Football is a french animated television series, co-produced by Alphanim, France 2, Jetix Europe, and Welkin-Animation. Its third 26-episode season aired in Europe in June 2010. In the universe of Galactik Football, the inhabited worlds of the Zaelion Galaxy compete in Galactik Football, a sport analogous to football, but played seven to a side. The game is complicated by the addition of Flux, which enhances a player's attributes such as speed, strength, and agility, or grants special ...
The animated adventures of a young interplanetary traveler. Based on the classic children's novel....
Wheel Squad is an animated television series produced by M6 Metropole, RAI, and France Animation. The show involves four kids who like riding skateboards, mountain bikes, roller skates, and so forth. They also protect their community from vandals and greedy businesspeople....
Tara Duncan is a French animated series produced by Moonscoop, best known for Code Lyoko. The show premiered in June 2010 in France on Disney XD, and at an unknown date in the United States. It is based on a series of French novels. Tara Duncan is a TV series about a 17-year old girl who is also a Spellbinder and defeats evil villains from the Otherworld with her fellow Spellbinders and friends Sparrow and Cal....
The Pop Secret, a group of three pre-teens named Mia, Kali, and Loli, are the most popular in the galaxy. While their fans admire their glossy and sparkly exterior, they are unaware that these seemingly superficial girls are actually skilled secret agents....
Three teenagers skip school in order to explore an abandoned film studio lot where they catch sight of a woman being dragged by a masked man....