Anna Karenina is a Filipino drama series created by RJ Nuevas and produced by GMA Network. It premiered on June 3, 2013 on GMA Telebabad block, replacing Indio and June 4, 2013 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV. The series concluded its sixteen-week run on October 25, 2013, with a total of 80 episodes, and replaced by Kahit Nasaan Ka Man on its timeslot. The series features Krystal Reyes, Barbie Forteza and Joyce Ching. It is based on the 1996 original television series of the same title under the prod...
Koreana or Jenna is a Filipino drama television series produced by GMA Network. It stars Kris Bernal, Saab Magalona, Steven Silva and Rocco Nacino. This series is directed by Gil Tejada, Jr. and premiered October 11, 2010 on GMA Haponalo block. The show also broadcast internationally through GMA Pinoy TV and premiered three days later, October 14, 2010, from the original airdate. The show concluded on February 25, 2011, comprising a total of one hundred episodes. On May 29, 2013 GMA Life TV airs...
Reel Love: Tween Hearts is a Filipino youth-oriented series created by Kit Villanueva – Langit, under the direction of Gina Alajar and produced by GMA Network. It features the network's homegrown tween stars headed by Barbie Forteza, Joshua Dionisio, Bea Binene and Jake Vargas. The series premiered September 26, 2010. The show has been extend three times and now on its fourth season. Over its course, the cast has been growing and extending compared to the original main cast. Originally slated t...
Ikaw Lang Ang Mamahalin is a remake of the 2001 primetime television series of the same title. Produced by GMA Network, the 2011 version stars Barbie Forteza, Joshua Dionisio, Joyce Ching and Kristofer Martin and directed by Roderick Lindayag. It premiered last October 10, 2011 replacing Sinner or Saint in GMA's Afternoon Prime block. The Series maintains a High-Rating lead on the Afternoon schedule. The series concluded on February 10, 2012, it ran for 18 weeks with 90 episodes in all. It was...
First Time was a Philippine teen drama series developed by Kit Langit and directed by Andoy Ranay. The series premiered on GMA Network on February 8, 2010 starring Barbie Forteza and Joshua Dionisio, who were previously paired in Stairway to Heaven and Dear Friend: My Christmas List. The show is part of GMA's 60th Year Celebration Offering....
Munting Heredera or Little Heiress is a Filipino family-oriented drama series created and developed by Maryo J. de los Reyes for GMA Network. Playing the lead role of Doña Anastacia, a rich widow in search of her "munting heredera", is the multi-award winning actress and one of the original Queens of Philippine cinema, Gloria Romero, making her television debut. The show was first shown on May 9, 2011, replacing Dwarfina on GMA Network and on May 11, 2011, on GMA Pinoy TV. Worldwide, via GMA Pi...
'I Can See You' is a one-of-a-kind anthology that features compelling and thrilling stories every week on GMA Telebabad...
Minerva Henerala is a softhearted and dedicated high school teacher who loves her students despite their naughtiness inside the classroom. Years ago, she lost her mother and sister to a tragic archaeological accident. At the same site, she had a close encounter with mythical glowing winged-creatures and shapeshifters called Tamawo, and she grew up believing that they exist among humans. As the years go by, the Tamawos abduct children to feed on their youthful energy. Now it is up to Minerva's al...
Plot Unknown...
An obsession with an online video game turns dangerous for a group of teenagers....
There is an underground battle going on in the name of love. The soldiers are all Pikapistas! With pick-up lines as their weapons to woo the gorgeous Neneng B. (Sam Pinto), the war sizzles in the dark corners of the Metro. And there is one undefeated champion among them - BOY PICKUP (Ogie Alcasid)! Legendary, enigmatic, hypnotic, that’s his appeal to most who don’t get what his works penetrate their heart just the same. Despite his underground fame and legend, Boy Pickup lives a normal and soli...
It is about the story of the final days of Aquino from 12 August 1983 to 21 August till he was assassinated at the Manila International Airport. It features interviews and commentaries from Aquino's wife and former Philippine president, Corazon Aquino....
In a time when mutants and behemoth alien warriors have come to a rule, a rebel group of survivors must embrace mega fighting machines to take on intergalactic invaders threatening humanity....