Based on the award-winning stage play, "My Left Nut" is a three-part coming of age comedy drama about friendship, family, grief and testicles. The series follows school-boy Mick and his journey after discovering a swelling on his testicle. He can't tell his dad; he died seven years ago. He can't tell his mum Patricia; she's got a million other things on her plate. He can't tell his schoolmates; there's an upside to rumours about the bulge in your trousers… And it’s not like it’s going to complic...
On the rugged coast of County Clare, Val Ahern's husband is found dead at the foot of a cliff the morning after a family party. The matriarch starts to dig into the family's secrets to find out who might be responsible....
The disappearance of 14 year old Amber Bailey sets off a two-year search during which her family will go through unimaginable pressures. As the days, months and years progress the mystery deepens, and strange and terrifying clues come to light, raising yet even more questions. The world becomes gripped by the mystery of the missing teen. What happened to Amber?...
Kevin, a transgender teen, comes out for the first time at a cross dress disco in the Gaeltacht....
To avenge her mother's death, Pixie masterminds a heist but must flee across Ireland from gangsters, take on the patriarchy, and choose her own destiny....
When September is suspended from their school, her sister July begins to assert her own independence. Tension in the family builds on holiday Ireland as a series of surreal encounters test the them all to their limit....