This is a drama series about the lives of three rich, entitled, passionate and ambitious young men: Kalifah, Nuhu and Diko. Elections are fast approaching and there's a tussle for the governorship seat of the Northern Caliphate State of Kowa. Soon personal conflicts intertwine between their families in a race to crown the next Governor....
Kenneth Abah, the managing director of hills group and the son of a famous and influential family is married to Susan, a graduate in law and the daughter of a dry cleaner. Thanks to Ken's social status and arrogance his loving wife becomes his maid. But when Susan becomes tired and complains, he proposes a divorce. Will she accept his proposal or continue with this domestic slavery?...
A street smart clubowner is frustrated with the daughter whom she trained into hustling men for money, as she deems her to be lacking in the innate hustlers spirit....
A teenage beggar must defy an age-long myth to regain her freedom....
The story of Alhaja Eniola Salami, a businesswoman and philanthropist with a checkered past and a promising political future. As her political ambitions see her outgrowing the underworld connections responsible for her considerable wealth, she's drawn into a power struggle that threatens everything she holds dear....