Justice Bao is a 236-episode television series from Taiwan, first airing on Chinese Television System from February 1993 to January 1994. The show stars Jin Chao-chun as the Chinese official Bao Zheng in the Song Dynasty. It was hugely popular in Greater China as well as many other countries in the Far East. The series was originally scheduled for just 15 episodes. However, the show garnered high ratings when the initial episodes aired. Due to its popularity, CTS expanded the show to 236 episod...
Liza's husband becomes impotent after a physical altercation with a thief. Because he can't satisfy her anymore, he leaves and begs Liza to divorce him from afar through his lawyer. She doesn't give him the divorce because she still loves him, but in his absence, her friend's boyfriend forces himself on her, she has drunken sex with the rich kid neighbor who was initially stalking her, and has a one night stand with a guy she picks up in a bar when she got horny watching her maid and her gardene...
The Lady Avenger is about a young woman who is raped by four men and then taken advantage by a fifth. Abandoned by her fiancé, she strikes back at the five wolves. Wild and exciting, filled with nasty violence and highly creative killing sequences, this is Taiwanese exploitation cinema at its furious finest....
A thriller by Karen Yang Chia-Yun...
Taiwanese drama film....
Taiwanese action film....
Taiwanese movie...