Based on a hit manga, this adaptation depicts the life of a married man Nanase Kohei after he returned to his former job as a male host. He woos the clients with his gentle and caring nature, and soon retrieves his former credit as the ace of the club. However, the transition back for this middle-aged man is not without its challenges. Afraid that his wife will find out about this job, Nanase is also garnering jealousy and displeasure from the younger hosts. Throughout the course of his employme...
Ultraman Mebius is a Japanese television series produced by Tsuburaya Productions and Chubu-Nippon Broadcasting. It is the 17th TV series and 40th anniversary production in the Ultra Series, which first began in 1966. It premiered on the Tokyo Broadcasting System on April 8, 2006. Unlike the two prior entries, Ultraman Nexus and Ultraman Max, Mebius was moved from Saturday mornings to Saturday evenings at 05:30. "Mebius" is the Japanese approximation of Möbius; the Möbius strip is a recurring mo...
Ruri, having been abandoned by her mother to a foster care facility, lives a life of reckless abandonment. When Nakama Yuzo, a kind man but for a trigger-happy temper, runs into Ruri he realizes that perhaps she's the child he's been looking for. Yuzo lives in Hatomijima, a small insland in Okinawa where the population is 49 and the average age group is 61. There are no children. The island has only one school - a primary school. If a child is not enrolled in the school, it will be closed. As a...
A school is supposed to be the safe place for children, but unfortunately it is not any longer. It has so many problems that even most dedicated teachers would give up eventually. Kohei KAJI (Atsushi ITO) a young passionate teacher who's just started his career at a junior high school, but he is thrown into the chaos and desperation when one of his student dies at school. Tamako TSUMIKI (Miho KANNO) is a cool elite lawyer who seems to have some secret connection with that dead girl. Is that an a...
Led by their fervent teacher, a high school baseball team full of delinquents vows to make it all the way to the national championship tournament....
Hikoichi is the boss of a yakuza family, "Tsubasa-kai". One day he receives a sudden order from the main branch of his family...only to become a helper at a senior care home. Regardless of this unbearable order, he reluctantly obeys to keep his chance of becoming an executive in the future. But he soon finds out that he was not the only yakuza working there. The yakuza helpers soon realize that the senior care home is full of flaws; the yakuzas confront a female president of the care house....
With the progress made in forensic science, the number of cases of arrested criminals proven innocent because of new DNA tests have been increasing. The police always expect to swiftly solve cases. As crime scene detectives try to measure up to those expectations, they occasionally jump to wrong conclusions. Thus, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police's First Investigative Division set up the Evidence Verification Section and gave it the important task of validating cases that have been closed within a ...
Serving as the sequel of 2006 Ultra Series Ultraman Mebius, taking place sometime after the final episode....
Japanese-American track star Mizuki Ashiya transfers from a school in California to Japan, but not to just any old school. The school is Osaka High School—an all male high school! Mizuki Ashiya must disguise herself as a boy, all to get closer to her hero, Izumi Sano, a high-jump athlete who attends Osaka High. Now with short hair, flattened chest, and deeper voice, Mizuki becomes roommates with Izumi Sano, but trouble soon starts to brew. Izumi Sano discovers by accident that Mizuki is a girl ...
Tsunoda Miki is a graduate of a second-rate university who manages to find a job at a top-notch company. But after a minor mistake, she becomes the subject of serious bullying by her superiors and other co-workers. Ultimately, she chooses to endure the harassment, not wanting to simply run away from it. --Tokyograph...
The hero, Mamiya Shinjuro, earned his embalmer's license in the United States, but for reasons that will probably be easier to understand once the series starts, he is working in a Tokyo hospital as a janitor. In the premiere episode, a friend of one of the nurse's is killed in an accident. The woman had just been made the principal soloist in a ballet company and was about to get married to the man of her dreams. The woman's fiancee, hearing of Mamiya's special skills, asks him to restore her ...
The third film in the 'Drift' series....
Ultraman Mebius is joined once again by Ultraman, Ultra Seven, Ultraman Jack, and Ultraman Ace, as well as three later Ultramen (Tiga, Dyna, and Gaia) to fight more powerful versions of familiar Ultra Monsters....
Ultraman and his comrades from M-78 (including a new Ultraman, Zero, the son of Ultra Seven) join forces with other allies to fight a massive army of giant monsters led by the evil Ultraman Belial....
In the beginning of the movie, 20 years ago, on the moon, the 4 Ultra brothers, Ultraman, Seven, Jack, and Ace were fighting a deadly foe known as Yapool, a monster that was several times their size. As they fought, Yapool had a clear advantage and used his several claws to grasp the brothers, although, they managed to clear from the claws through there powers and used a combined Specium Ray to no avail. The monster then flies off to Earth to dodge the attack and the brothers follow. The brother...
Futakotamagawa High School had a Baseball Club, but because of a fight during one of their games, they were suspended for a year from all games. Composed of student delinquents, Futakotamagawa High's new Literature teacher Kawato Koichi inspires the Baseball Club to believe in a dream goal once again. For them, it is to play at the Koshien - Japan's National High School Baseball Championship. But, Kawato Koichi and the newly reformed baseball team run into plenty of obstacles along the way......
Shinpei (Junpei Mizobata) dreams of being a professional cameraman and lives in Tokyo. One day, he hears that his mother has been hospitalized and returns to Kochi for the first time in five years. At the hospital, Shinpei finds out Sakura (Ayane Omori) who is the younger sister of his ex-girlfriend, has a bad disease, which no one has lived with for more than 5 years. This might be her last summer. Sakura strongly hope to dance at the Yosakoi festival, and five years ago, Shinpei made a promise...
Hyasaka Yukari only wants one thing: to enter the college that her mom wants. One day, she meets an extravagant group that loves fashion. They were searching for a model and Yukari fits their ideal model. From now Yukari will know the world of fashion and modeling, and what she really wants....
The first of a 2-part sequel to the 2006 TV Series Ultraman Mebius. After the death of Alien Empera, the sentient being known as Armored Darkness is activated to carry out the Emperor's Plan B. To make its presence known, Armored Darkness revives the monsters Saramandora, Roberuga, Mukadender, and Cherubim....
While the Subordinate weeped, Mirai informed him that Ryu was alive, saved by the power of Ultraman King. He revealed that after Alien Emperor's defeat, Armored Darkness had been known for some time and Ultraman Hikari was sent by Ultraman King to destroy it before it could reach Earth, but the Armor's strength overpowered him and possessed him....
In the Land of Light, the Ultra Brothers receive the interrupted Ultra Sign sent by Hikari, which comes from the Monster Graveyard. Obtaining Zoffy's approval, Ace and Taro depart to investigate the matter while Mebius, on his routine patrol, is quickly notified by Zoffy to join the investigation....
Continuing where the previous story left, Mechazam proceeds to attack EX Zetton in a mad fury but almost perishes in the molten lava until Mebius saves him, despite being heavily injured by EX Zetton. Being thrown to the Battle Nizer, Mechazam tries to break the seal under Mebius' guidance to reverse the disruption field but the container was too strong......