Drama series follows the life Jang Yeong-Sil: a scientist, technician and inventor during the Joseon period. Jang Yeong-Sil was born in the lower class nobi. King Sejong notices his abilities and brings him to the palace. King Sejong grants him a chance to display his abilities. He invents tools like astronomical instruments, iron printing press and a water clock....
Nonstop is a South Korean slice-of-life sitcom that broadcast its first season in 2000 on MBC. It continued with 5 more seasons. The series was popular for its cast of teen idols, many who debuted through the show.....
5th Republic is a controversial political drama about the Fifth Republic of South Korea, one of the most turbulent times in modern Korean history. The 41-episode television series covered the key aspects of the period from President Park Chung-hee's assassination to general Chun Doo-hwan's military coup and his bloody rise to power, as well as the ensuing conflicts between the pro-democratic movement and Chun's military regime and the behind-the-scenes power struggles that ultimately led to Roh ...
With the looming free trade agreement between the US and South Korea, even a mafia gang thinks it should become more globalized and professional. Doo-shik is picked to infiltrate a mega corporation and steal their methods for success....
A case of the flu quickly morphs into a pandemic. As the death toll mounts and the living panic, the government plans extreme measures to contain it....
Ip-sae (Kim Se-in) is a caregiver with a body so full and voluptuous her clothes might burst off of her any time. All the men in her hospital ward wish dearly to be touched and cared by her. But all she has eyes for is her husband Cheon-dong (Jo Min-joon). However, her husband becomes sexually handicapped due to an accident even before they get to spend their first night together. Ip-sae tells her husband, "My love for you is eternal although we may not have physical bonding" but Cheon-dong does...
A monk gives an impaired man the secret to a strong arousal. The man had been teased and tortured until the travelling man decides to help him out....
Min-joon is a believer in true love and always very dedicated to her current boyfriend. Distracted by the latest break-up, she bumps into a car and a man steps out of it - who turns out to be her new boss, Robin Heiden. Heiden has very clear ideas about a relationship and love: both are a game of power and Min-Joon seeks advice from him, as she doesn't want to get dumped again. However, when she starts to treat men like Heiden treats women, she realizes that she prefers her older behaviour, even...
This film is a social comedy which depicts women's endeavor to get the right to live free from men's violence in a male dominated society. This Film begins with a newly married couple. They wed against the wishes of family and friends, who thought they weren't a good match. As their marriage progresses, the young couple realize that marriage is not what you see in movies or read in books. They find that love, sex and marriage are very different from what they had dreamed. They also understand wh...
Eun-bi, an orphaned girl who works as a prostitute, is moved to action when her prostitute friend is brutally gang raped and the police do nothing because her friend was a prostitute. Deciding to run for Korea's parliament, she runs into mob coercion and deception along with way. This movie is a funny but insightful satire of the corruption of Korean elections....