La que se avecina is a Spanish television comedy created by Alberto Caballero, Laura Caballero and Daniel Deorador. The TV-series focusing around the inhabitants of Mirador de Montepinar, a fictional building located on the outskirts of a big city. Both its storylines and cast are heavily based on Aquí no hay quien viva, which ended when Telecinco bought Miramón Mendi, the series production company. The episodes debuted on the Telecinco network, and were later rerun by the same network as well ...
Amongst the vibrant international community of the eponymous Spanish island, a British and a German detective with very different approaches to policing have a clash of personalities. Despite - or perhaps because of - their very different approaches, the sleuths form a perfect complementary partnership as they seek to solve a new crime on the island each week....
When high school teacher Tomás finds the bloodied, dying mayoress of his hometown high up on his local cliffs, he not only becomes obsessed with the case but turns into its first suspect. Though solving the case is local cop Maite's job, Tomás doesn't care if his own private investigation gets in her way. Solving the case might just give Tomás' life the purpose he has been silently dreaming of for so long. Though clashing more than once, the two of them come close as can be to finding the murder...
After seven years in a Málaga prison, a male stripper is released pending retrial and sets out to prove his lover framed him for her husband's murder....
Land Rober Tunai Show is two continuous hours of humor, guests, music, comedy, collaborators and has the direct participation of the audience in the studio....
After participating in a séance, young Laura begins to behave strangely. Alarmed, her parents ask Father Olmedo, one of the few exorcists authorized by the Vatican to intervene in cases of demonic possession, for help....
Encarna, a thirtysomething girl of Móstoles (Madrid) is trapped in a life without changes, at the side of her lifelong boyfriend and with a job absent of incentives. Stigmatized by the famous Spanish sketch of the "Empanadillas de Móstoles", Encarna looks for a way to escape her boring life....
Darkness surrounds you. Evil lurks behind each door. Darkness awaits at the end of the stairs. Don't let your soul be corrupted by its poison. Don't let it take you to... The Other Side....
Tangled in a troubled marriage, a frustrated couple finds hope in a watch-based app that rewards good deeds — until unhealthy obsessiveness takes over....
The two million Spanish women who are victims of domestic violence and the death each week of a woman at the hands of her partner is not fiction but pure reality....
Fali (Oscar Jaenada) has been blessed with an ample gift below the belt. But his extra-large asset ends up getting him into trouble when he agrees to help his friend (Antonio Dechent) get rid of his annoying lover and save his marriage. Fali's romantic entanglements are all the more hilarious considering the only reason he's doing it is so he can get the dream car he's always wanted: a brand-new BMW....
Paz seems to have a perfect life. She has a job, a partner and friends but something's missing. In reality, there are things she is unhappy about. She feels anxious and burdened but can't bring herself to express these feelings. Until one day she turns to a strange therapy that will make her say absolutely everything she thinks. How would your life be if you only said what you think?...
Nadia and Adrián starts their particular world war when she files to divorce him....
Pedro, Arturo and Eligio are three college professors who lost their job because of economic crisis. Accidentally they find a solution for all of their problems; a multi-vitamin that allows them to party all night long without any side effects. The three professors will be launched into the world of nightclubs and the shady business, in order to market the merchandise. Of course, it seems that they are not as prepared for it as they thought....
A work of Valle-Inclán, the story takes place in Galicia in the early twentieth century. To escape poverty, the wife of a sacristan uses a hydrocephalic child as a sideshow attraction. This causes a confrontation with her sister-in-law....
In the future, humanity has the necessary keys to use energy responsibly, but is faced with new moral dilemmas....
Over the academic landscape of a prestigious University, two groups of students struggle to find their identity within the social hierarchy of their circle of friends. One group, The Gods of Sui, struggles to find the upper hand and unravels to find the power within their own game, along with their stance of claiming their respect within the University. Meanwhile, a rival sorority attempts to establish their own authority within themselves, and finding difficulty in having faith in their leaders...