Home and Away is set in the fictional town of Summer Bay, a coastal town in New South Wales, and follows the personal and professional lives of the people living in the area. The show initially focused on the Fletcher family, Pippa and Tom Fletcher and their five foster children Frank Morgan, Carly Morris, Steven Matheson, Lynn Davenport and Sally Keating, who would go on to become one of the show's longest-running characters. The show also originally and currently focuses on the Stewart family....
The story of Melissa Caddick, a woman who disappeared after swindling over $40 million from her most trusted clients....
DI Mackenzie Clarke is forced to leave London under a cloud of suspicion and return to the last place she ever wanted to be, her hometown of Dolphin Cove, Australia where her tenacity and work ethic helps her solve murder mysteries....
(Australia) Celebrities and their professional dance partners strut their stuff on the dancefloor. Each week, one couple is voted off by the public and a panel of judges. And so it goes week after week until just one star remains....
A best-selling, but recently cancelled, children's author has a meltdown when approached by Austin, a neurodivergent 20-something claiming to be his son. He then realises that embracing the young man may be the path to redemption....
Ashley and Gordon are two single(ish), complex humans who are brought together by a car accident and an injured dog. Flawed, funny people choosing each other and being brave enough to show their true self, scars and all, as they navigate life together....
Girl meets boy meets autonomous drone. A love story for the digital age that asks if technology brings us together or pushes us apart....
Greg decides he needs a change of vocation. He calls upon his best mate Bass, the common sense of the pair, to join him in his quest to become a professional shark wrangler. Greg soon realises that the mission requires funds to get them started. Fortunately, Bass reluctantly agrees to outlay his money set aside for his fiancé's wedding ring and honeymoon, in the hope that the investment will pay dividends. Greg's mum, Barb, is all for the change, and even supplies the boys with stock from her be...
To their respective conservative Indian parents, Vir and Nitya are a happily married couple living in Parramatta, Sydney. They love to play the sitar together, she is a successful dentist, and he is studying for his accounting exam. However, as the cultural expectations ingrained into them from childhood start to take their toll, they both face challenges in their personal and professional lives. After reaching a breaking point, Vir comes out to Nitya about his sexuality, which causes a rift bet...