Home and Away is set in the fictional town of Summer Bay, a coastal town in New South Wales, and follows the personal and professional lives of the people living in the area. The show initially focused on the Fletcher family, Pippa and Tom Fletcher and their five foster children Frank Morgan, Carly Morris, Steven Matheson, Lynn Davenport and Sally Keating, who would go on to become one of the show's longest-running characters. The show also originally and currently focuses on the Stewart family....
An unconventional relationship in a world on the cusp of change; a star newsreader and an ambitious reporter join forces in a ruthless 1986 newsroom, as events unfold that will change their lives....
Loss and laughs collide in Limbo, which explores the compelling and charmingly funny story of best friends Charlie and Nate as they’re faced with how hard it is to let go of those we love - especially when they're taken too soon. And when they come back to haunt you. Literally....
When the world's largest cattle station is left without a clear heir, rival factions descend as a fierce generational struggle upends the land's future....
Princess Amelia of Bundbury travels across America to explore a budding romance with an artist, only to fall in love with her bodyguard, Grady....
An isolated guy with cerebral palsy is railroaded into helping an unassertive comedienne, and finds love and acceptance through stand-up comedy....