Los Beverly de Peralvillo is a Mexican family television sitcom that originally aired from 1968 to 1973 on the Canal de las Estrellas network. The series stars Guillermo Rivas, Leonorilda Ochoa, Arturo Castro, and Amparo Arozamena. As Mexico's answer to The Beverly Hillbillies, the sitcom was probably the most popular family television series in Mexico before El Chavo. The cast members, who usually had minor insignificant roles before, were offered principal roles in the series. The series spaw...
Vivo Por Elena is a Mexican telenovela starring Victoria Ruffo and Saul Lisazo with the antagonic roles of Ana Patricia Rojo and Sebastian Ligarde. The telenovela aired on Univision in 1998. The theme song for the telenovela was Vivo Por Ella, sung by Andrea Bocelli with a duet by Marta Sanchez. The telenovela has been repeated several times on different channels since its original airing....
El Borras marries La Pecas, unaware of her mother's (Doña Chole) scheme against Borras. That of Borras to provide for all her family members who are a lazy bunch composed of her father and brothers....
Spy spoof -- bad guys are looking for a stockpile of some element crucial for construction of space-ships....
Two older-generation taxi drivers get involved with chicks from a rock-n-roll coffeehouse....
Heist movie: bank teller develops an elaborate game plan to lift money from the vault where she works....
Five young women hold a weekend-long bachelorette party for their engaged girlfriend....
Post-adolescent romance; the dude and the chick both tried to impress each other by pretending to come from rich families, and eventually they'll both have to fess up. Also other complications....
Counter-espionage ring of beautiful young women protects atomic secrets from the bad guys....
Four martial-artsy crime-fightin' gals and their comic sidekick, under the leadership of a middle-aged guy in a business suit, defeat some bad people who are doing bad stuff....
Two friends bet on who will pick up the most American women....
A group of workers at a beer factory fight crime together....
Pony Express mailman in old west discovers super-powered chiles, gets tangled up with bank robbers....
A beatnik painter, a singer, a young doctor whose practice hasn't taken off, a rich boy slumming, and miscellaneous others all bounce off the walls in a very youth-culture oriented apartment house. Things get pretty frenzied....
A sporty new car is gifted to two young men who work at an auto factory, and they have to time-share it between them....