This Chinese period drama series follows the fortunes of a prominent merchant family engaged in Traditional Chinese Medicine during the waning years of the Ching dynasty. The affairs of this family of doctors/pharmacists (which in those days were one and the same) are intimately linked with social upheavals of the time such as the encroachment of Christian missionaries and foreign imperialism as well as conflicts that inevitably emerge in a large upper class family. Comparable in scope and produ...
A Chinese television series based on the events in the late Eastern Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period....
A Chinese legend of a tragic love story of a pair of lovers, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai....
The story of Zhou Wen, a graduate of Whampoa Military Academy for rich kids. After being sentenced to death for murder, he was able to escape. Changing his name to Zhou Wei Guo and joining the military, he went on to create the special operations task force known as “Snow Leopard” to fight off the Japanese during WWII....
In the thirteenth year of the Republic of China, there was a watchman in Yancheng named Hu Fan. The watchman is a mysterious and ancient profession. In addition to the job of keeping watch at night, he is also responsible for dealing with evil spirits that appear late at night. Recently, murders and disappearances have occurred frequently in Yancheng. The police department was helpless, so it went to Hu Fan, a folk who knew magic, to help. Hu Fan and others followed the clues and found that some...
Grandpa Ahua handed the kite to the seven-year-old Duoduo on the hospital bed. He will not be able to accompany her to fly the kite like in the past....
China, the 1990s. A young bookseller is in love with a woman. The woman is now with another guy, a rich man. The rich man sends his people to beat the bookseller. In the fight, the laptop computer from a man looking at the scene gets broken. Who will pay for the computer? The bookseller wants revenge. Will it be useful? The bookseller and the laptop owner are from different ages and classes. They are two different points of view, two different Chinas. How will they fight for justice?...
A group of youngsters visit a deserted island which turns out to be filled with carnivorous ivy...
Set during the 'War of Resistance Against Japan'. The squad leader of a platoon and his medic become separated from the rest of the team and find themselves behind enemy lines....