Furuhata Ninzaburō is a Japanese television series that ran periodically on Fuji Television from 1994 until its final episodes in 2006. It was written by Japanese playwright Kōki Mitani and is often referred to as the Japanese version of Columbo. The series is a police detective drama starring actor Masakazu Tamura as Furuhata Ninzaburo and Masahiko Nishimura as his stereotypically bumbling sidekick, Shintaro Imaizumi. The program aired weekly and featured a guest villain each time, usually a f...
The somewhat peculiar Hotta family runs Tokyo Bandwagon, a secondhand bookstore and cafe in the old part of Tokyo. They are a big four-generation family that is rare these days. The Hottas live by rather unusual family rules, and solve strange incidents that arise in the old town. 26-year-old Ao is the family’s second son, and a freelance tour guide. Although he is the child of his father’s mistress, he has been raised as the second son without prejudice. Ao is an irresistible playboy to females...
SMAP×SMAP was an ongoing weekly Japanese variety show on Kansai TV and Fuji TV starring the members of SMAP. The show began on April 15, 1996 and it aired from 22:00 to 22:54 every Monday. The show's usual ratings were higher than 20%, which is considered high since most variety shows range from 10-20%. Each episode begins a variety of skits, comedic performances, and/or games. These are followed by Bistro SMAP, in which the SMAP members compete against each other to impress celebrity judges w...
Kubota Nagisa, a spoiled brash executive, is the chief of Food Import Section in a first-rate trading company. Nagisa is transferred to an affiliate company in the countryside until the mishap she created in her company blows over....
A drama about a man and woman who come to know true love after unexpected circumstances cause them to live under the same roof. Singer and songwriter Tamaki Koji returns to acting after a 8 year hiatus, to star opposite Kanno Miho in this drama. Koji plays a very kind policeman; a champion of the weak and a pacifist. Having lost his wife 4 years earlier, he has been saddled with the arduous task of raising 3 children single-handedly. Kanno stars as the unfortunate heroine with an ugly personalit...
Set during WWII, an Australian and Japanese soldier play a deadly game of Cat and mouse in a South Pacific Jungle....
Tamaki Koji's singing illuminates the desolate world and wraps people's hearts tenderly. November 22, 2021/Tokyo International Forum...
A man's soul (he is in a coma) must make a lonely woman happy or he will die on Christmas day....
A story of friendship between two women, Yae and Kiyoko. Their friendship is tested when artist Yae, who suffers from fatal illness, develops special feelings towards her best friend Kiyoko’s boyfriend Kosuke....
Kazuo encounters a religious group travelling around Japan performing "miracles". He discovers they are fakes, but is intrigued by the showmanship of the group, and becomes involved with them. The group is split into two, some members concentrating on spiritual teachings, and the others using the facade of religion to make money. The business faction dismiss the old spiritual master and choose Kazuo to lead their group....
A middle-aged salaryman tries to revitalize his career....
The life of a urban planning official and that of an old fellow student, now project developer, are turned upside down by a chance encounter with a beauty obsessed by UFOs....
Kono Takeshi has given up work as an electrician to run a gift-shop business with his partner/mistress Rieko, who's a couple of years older than him. When the company faces bankruptcy Kono wants to quit, but Rieko strings him along with the promise of a large cash investment, the proceeds of a real-estate deal. Her actual plan to raise the money is to kidnap a young woman and demand a ransom for her release. The trouble is, it never occurs to her to keep the victim alive before trying to extort ...
In four chapters, the film anatomises the chaotic life of a radio agony uncle.who is having simultaneous affairs with a sado-masochistic call-girl and the wife of an aggrieved tour-bus driver...
The love that occurs 24 hours after a man and woman in their 20s meet against the backdrop of the bubble period....
Hiroya Munakata is the leader of the yakuza group Munakata-gumi. After 10 years since the big fight, Hiroya Munakata's non blood-related younger brother Takashi is released from prison, but Takashi’s daughter, Hyuga says she does not want to meet her father and runs away from home. Hiroya, Takashi and Hiroya’s subordinate Shinya go to Zeni Island where Hyuga is headed to. Something they never expected is waiting for them....