The spin-off to the original series 'In aller Freundschaft' focuses on the young doctors in a fictional clinic in Erfurt. In this emotional drama series, hospital staffers and patients navigate life's challenges....
Countdown – Die Jagd beginnt is a German television series....
A show about two Bavarian police officers, Franz Hubert and Johannes Staller, who sometimes work a bit differently. Where Franz wants to follow regulations, Johannes likes to do things his own way....
The context of the show is that unsuspecting and often male passers are put in comical situations by three female decoys: Annett Fleischer, Isabell Polak and Manuela Wisbeck. Female stereotypes and corresponding reactions by men are put in the foreground during the show. For example a woman fills up the cabrio of her boyfriend after she asked another driver for the right sort of fuel and fills up the inner of the car and not the tank....
A long-running German television series about a two-man team of highway police, originally set in Berlin and later in North Rhine-Westphalia....