Leyla ile Mecnun is a Turkish television comedy series. The show is set in Istanbul, Turkey and premiered in 2011 on TRT. The series is a surreal and absurd comedy that revolves around the fictional love story between Leyla and Mecnun....
The star-studded production follows the story of two families: On one end is the successful but stingy Namzet Horanta, the boss of Horanta Holding, a jewelry manufacturer. To his wife Latife, daughter Nazmiye, and sons Sinan and Buğra amazement, Namzet underwent a seemingly big change that caused him to forego his stingy ways for generosity instead. Thanks to the aforementioned change, there will be a chain of interesting events that will keep the viewer hooked and entertained as Nazmiye's life...
The year 1997... In the days when people are exiled for their thoughts, now the tables have turned and the freedom of a cow living in the village of Gomalak is in danger. "The Exiled Cow". inspired from a true story, tells the tale of Sarikiz, with its spectacular cast and now meets the audience as the comedy of the century......
After years, Hazar Caucasian begins to question his life in his country, where he returned with severe health problems and without money. With the sale of the house left from his father, he will guarantee the future of his son, whom he has not seen for years, or save the life of the dying daughter of Nehir, where she finds love when she does not expect. Güleryüz is accompanied by names such as Tuğçe Kazaz, Nursel Köse and Hasan Kaçan in the drama, which is the scriptwriter and director of Erhan...
The son of a Muslim emperor, Mahmut rejects his father's values and advocates a humanitarian approach to running the empire he will inherit. For him, there are more important things than power over others - namely the love he cherishes for Meryem, the daughter of a Christian monk. Rejecting the path chosen for him, Mahmut embarks on a dangerous journey looking for his love Meryem. It is this journey through a land in turmoil which will change both Mahmut and Meryem....
Commander Logar fools Arif and sends him 1.000.000 years back in the time. He must civilize people from past to reach today....