La que se avecina is a Spanish television comedy created by Alberto Caballero, Laura Caballero and Daniel Deorador. The TV-series focusing around the inhabitants of Mirador de Montepinar, a fictional building located on the outskirts of a big city. Both its storylines and cast are heavily based on Aquí no hay quien viva, which ended when Telecinco bought Miramón Mendi, the series production company. The episodes debuted on the Telecinco network, and were later rerun by the same network as well ...
El Hormiguero is a Spanish television program with a live audience focusing on comedy, science, and politics running since September 2006. It is hosted and produced by screenwriter Pablo Motos. The show aired on Spain's Cuatro channel from launch until June 2011 and is now broadcast on Antena 3. Recurring guests on the show include Luis Piedrahita, Raquel Martos, Marron & "The Man in Black", and puppet ants Trancas and Barrancas. It has proved a ratings success, and has expanded from a weekly 12...
El Hormiguero is a Spanish television program with a live audience focusing on comedy, science, and politics running since September 2006. It is hosted and produced by screenwriter Pablo Motos. The show aired on Spain's Cuatro channel from launch until June 2011 and is now broadcast on Antena 3. Recurring guests on the show include Luis Piedrahita, Raquel Martos, Marron & "The Man in Black", and puppet ants Trancas and Barrancas. It has proved a ratings success, and has expanded from a weekly 12...
They say that anyone in the world is connected to another through a chain of no more than six acquaintances. It's called the "Six Degree Theory." Seen like this, no one seems unapproachable. This is precisely what Antonio Díaz thought, ‘El Mago Pop’, the great national signing of Discovery MAX that public opinion has already dubbed ‘El Dynamo español’. In 'El Mago Pop', Antonio Díaz will take his magic to the streets and will connect with several well-known faces on the national and internationa...
Alaska & Mario is a Spanish reality show based on the daily life of Alaska and her husband Mario Vaquerizo....
One of Spain's best talent agents in the '90s, Paquita now finds herself searching desperately for new stars after suddenly losing her biggest client....
MasterChef is a Spanish competitive reality television cooking show based on the British television cooking game show of the same title....
Spanish version of the reality cooking competition in which celebrities compete to win the coveted cookery competition title....
Land Rober Tunai Show is two continuous hours of humor, guests, music, comedy, collaborators and has the direct participation of the audience in the studio....
El Hormiguero is a Spanish television program with a live audience focusing on comedy, science, and politics running since September 2006. It is hosted and produced by screenwriter Pablo Motos. The show aired on Spain's Cuatro channel from launch until June 2011 and is now broadcast on Antena 3. Recurring guests on the show include Luis Piedrahita, Raquel Martos, Marron & "The Man in Black", and puppet ants Trancas and Barrancas. It has proved a ratings success, and has expanded from a weekly 12...
'Alaska Revelada' is an approach to the artist's personal and professional life from a place of intimacy until now unknown. The metamorphosis of a pop icon who has not stopped reinventing himself throughout the different stages of his life. Always an advocate of transforming her body to also build her interior, in 'Salud' we explore what the journey has been like since she was a child to achieve a physical and spiritual transformation. In 'Money' we travel through the vast professional life of ...
Journalist Paloma Chamorro symbolized openness and modernity in Spain in the early 1980s. Her personality and her shows on TVE (then the only TV channel in the country) made her an influential transgressive icon....
Juanita decides to abandon her family and go to a convent where, together with a group of extravagant nuns, she must discover the mysterious murder of a priest....
Crooked cop Torrente gets out of jail in the year 2018 to find a different Spain from the one he knew....
Short film about the spanish national photography prize winner Pablo Perez-Mínguez....