The Bad News Bears is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from March 24, 1979 until July 26, 1980, consisting of 26 episodes. It was based on the 1976 hit movie of the same name, that was followed by two sequels in 1977 and 1978....
Lighthearted look at the adventures of two Highway Patrol officers in Los Angeles. The main characters are Jon Baker and Frank Poncherello, two motorcycle officers always on the street to save lives....
Follow the lives of a group of young adults living in a brownstone apartment complex on Melrose Place, in Los Angeles, California....
It is just another day in the small town of Hamlin until something disastrous happens. Suddenly, news breaks that a series of nuclear warheads has been dropped along the Eastern Seaboard and, more locally, in California. As people begin coping with the devastating aftermath of the attacks — many suffer radiation poisoning — the Wetherly family tries to survive....
A genius grad student organizes an all-night treasure hunt in which five rival teams composed of colorful oddballs furiously match wits with one another while trying to locate and decipher various cryptic clues planted ingeniously around Los Angeles....
Successful divorce lawyer Jack Sturgess discovers that his own marriage is falling apart and must juggle his domestic conflicts with his clients' problems....