A crime drama series following the work of a fictional regional criminal police unit investigating cases in the unique Záhorie region. The show presents intriguing cases where ordinary people commit serious crimes but go to extraordinary lengths to carry them out or cover their tracks. The detective duo always finds themselves facing off against clever perpetrators....
The ups and downs of three couples living in Prague and their interconnected love triangles....
The exploits of the Los Angeles–based Office of Special Projects (OSP), an elite division of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service that specializes in undercover assignments....
More than a year has passed since the last time we saw Julio Lavický (Jakub Stáfek) (yes, it was when he "sold" the match, but forgot about it and scored a beautiful goal). Lavi is, as his agent would say Jarda (Jakub Prachar), still the same demented person, but he finally started to do well. Both in football and in his personal life. With Vysehrad, he advanced to the second league, where he leads the scorers' table, once again wealthier clubs are eyeing him, he even asked for the hand of his g...
Rumbling is a dramatic feature film based on a true contemporary story, spiced with real-life events taken from media reports mixed in. It showcases tales of domestic violence, acts of self-defense, standing up for what is right and helping victims in need. The film is about an endangered human archetype, one whose sense of justice and freedom of speech borders the edge of law and social norms. It was originally planned as a documentary about people whose nature defies societal norm. This backgr...
Ever since the death of his wife, the famous and once highly-respected general Michael Strogoff has fallen steadily into a state of decrepitude....
Flying at 40,000 feet in a state-of-the art aircraft that she helped design, Kyle Pratt's 6-year-old daughter Julia vanishes without a trace. Or did she? No one on the plane believes Julia was ever onboard. And now Kyle, desperate and alone, can only count on her own wits to unravel the mystery and save her daughter....
Four old friends decide to shake up their unhappy, monotonous lives with a friendly bet and set off a series of unexpected events....
The romantic relationship between Maťa and Veronika turns into a complicated, life-threatening triangle. They will be affected by a brutal struggle for power, in a network of intrigue and corruption in the shadow of the mafia, which does not even shy away from political murder. Thailand seems far enough away - an ideal hideout for a couple of criminals from Eastern Europe, who have no idea that they themselves can become easy prey for larger predators. How will a lone warrior who fights with the...
A sequel to "Vyšehrad: Fylm"(2022)...