Doobidoo is a Swedish musical game show first aired in 2005 on the public service network SVT. There is also a Polish, TVP2, version called Dubidu - show host Piotr Gasowski - and an Australian version that goes by You may be right, hosted by Todd McKenney The Swedish version of the show is hosted by entertainment personality Lasse Kronér....
Ruthless and corrupt police officer Alex has decided to come to terms with his dubious past and become clean. But the dark forces he has collaborated with earlier refuses to let him off the hook, putting both Alex and his family's lives at great danger. At the same time Alex gets a new partner, Frida, who secretly has been instructed to bring him down....
Monday May 7, 1945 – the Second World War finally comes to an end and a new, brighter future beckons. In the midst of central Stockholm celebrations, two strangers come together with a quick kiss, parting company immediately after. Upper-class girl Nina and kitchen hand Calle don’t yet know that their brief encounter will come to have tumultuous consequences....
In an isolated and inaccessible Antarctic research station in which winter has fallen on the South Pole and the sun will soon disappear for the next six months, a small team, known as the Winterers, remain at the Polaris VI Antarctic Research Station to continue their innovative research. Renowned biologist Arthur Wilde is determined to find a solution to climate change, but his quest turns into a nightmare when several of his esteemed scientists suddenly begin to die....
Journalist Nina Wedén gets the political scoop century and finds herself fast-tracked to becoming the Press Secretary for Sweden's newly appointed Foreign Minister, Jacob Weiss....
A boy finds a dead woman. When police move the corpse they find the skeletons of two women who disappeared in the seventies....
A story about a young girl who leaves her hometown to pursue her dream of becoming a famous punk artist....
Epic story about two families and their friendship and common destiny in Sweden's Gothenburg in the 1940s and 1950s. Told from the perspective of young Simon Larsson, who learns that he's an adopted child who has a Jewish father from Germany. After WWII Simon travels to explore his roots - a journey that leads to the basic mysteries of the human life. After the bestselling novel by Marianne Fredriksson....
Pål dreams about becoming successful with his music, but he has one major obstacle: himself. He's a diamond in the rough, and the only things greater than his musical talent are his obsessions, which constantly get him into trouble. We follow Pål on an emotional journey one summer in Gothenburg where he is thrown between passion and deceit; love, reconciliation and deliverance....
Incident by a bank is a detailed account of a failed bank robbery: A single take where over 90 people perform a meticulous choreography for the camera. The film recreates an actual event that took place in Stockholm in June 2006....
When a border guard with a sixth sense for identifying smugglers encounters the first person she cannot prove is guilty, she is forced to confront terrifying revelations about herself and humankind....
A daughter helps her estranged father who's lost his memory....
World War II is around the corner, but the only thing Sally Bauer can think of is the ocean. Her dream is to swim across the English Channel....
Kim, Bella and Momo are three fourteen-year-old girls who discover a fantastic flower with magic qualities: by drinking its nectar they are transformed into boys and they enter a new world. At first they enjoy their newly found freedom, but soon Bella and Momo realize that there are downsides to it. Kim however gets seriously addicted…...
On the eve of June 28th, 2011 Swedish journalists Martin Schibbye and Johan Persson put everything at stake by illegally crossing the border from Somalia into Ethiopia. After months of research, planning and failed attempts, they were finally on their way to report on how the ruthless hunt for oil effected the population of the isolated and conflict-ridden Ogaden region. Five days later they lay wounded in the desert sand, shot and captured by the Ethiopian army. But when their initial reportage...
On vacation in Stockholm, a teenage daughter is left wandering the city alone when her mother suffers from a sudden mental breakdown. Coming of age becomes an equally sudden necessity....
A tale of a boy from a wealthy family who during his work at the post office steals Christmas gifts from the wealthy to give to the poor people of Stockholm....
Boyfriends Hampus and Adrian are in a destructive relationship. When Hampus finally works up the nerve to call it quits, he finds himself relieved. Adrian, however, is not quite ready to say goodbye. Examining the final week of a gay love affair, award-winning short film director David Färdmar begins with the end....
At the police station, a woman accuses her husband of sexually exploiting children. The frustration and outrage increases when she is not taken seriously. The condensed and emotionally charged atmosphere is evident in an intense and poignant film, where her testimony is pitted against her husbands....