Young Petr (Adam Novak) and his four friends undergoes several adventures throughout this series--setting a field on fire, sneaking into a theater without paying and many more....
In a small village in the 50ies six friends (four boys and two girls) want to experience some adventures in the summer holidays. They arrange a bathtub for a float journey, perform a theatre play at the yearly village party and a lot more......
Little Rehor isn't allowed to play with the other boys. His only friend is the girl next door, Luci. Rehor's father is doctor on a boat and he has sent Rehor a package with butterfly larvae. When they hatch he discover a fairy who can do magic tricks....
Klára is abused in her marriage by her husband Martin. When she meets Adéla, who was also a victim of domestic violence, her life changes. She falls in love with Adéla and decides to leave Martin....