Dennou Keisatsu Cybercop is a Japanese tokusatsu TV series. First created in 1988 by Toho Enterprises, the show was an attempt to create a Tokusatsu series using the Super Sentai motif, but the idea was dropped after the unaired episode 0. The show was broadcast on NTV and aired from October 2, 1988 to July 5, 1989....
The not-too-distant future. Humanity is dying out. One day, a man who collects junk meets a boy from the sea. In a world where no one can live without protective clothing, the boy is naked. The film depicts an encounter between the old humans and the new....
Tomie is a mysterious, beautiful girl you just can't get rid of. She will come to your life from nowhere, and whatever you do, kill her or love her, she will come back to you in the end....
The psychiatric evaluation of a young actor arrested for a brutal double murder concludes he may be unfit for trial. Further investigation, however, reveals the crime was a well-planned statement against the section of Japan's criminal code granting diminished responsibility to the mentally impaired....